..., g0!

Unexpectedly, in November 2021, THE STRUGGLE IS REAL project invited me. The invitation said: THE STRUGGLE… would be a multi-player, participatory performance on the physical and mental condition of digital artists. Since they spoke about physical condition and me having become a cripple, on account of a stroke, at the time, I decided to participate. I entered the Qualifier Match 4 of the 1st person shooter game, as cannon fodder. I was predictably clumsy and slow, though I did score "1 kill"". Which made me wonder, wether the "1 kill" would qualify as proof of play? Startlingly, contenders of the Final Match - Counter Performance did come back to the fundamental question: "0 kill or 1 kill(s)" to deliberate their steps. See Fondazione Spara on discord #conspiracy.

Keep up the THE...: Clusterduck & Greencube!