zipIT project is best viewed in Firefox or Chrome browsers. Presently, it consists of 4 soft- and hardware assemblies that were done by the zipIT team, a troll identity-collective of browserbased group. The self-service project is set up so that the silver bullet is, well, everything is being self-served, on the visitors' end! The concept of self-service isn’t new and the team adopted it as a means to create an environment of empowerment. All 4 trollTools are made for self-service in controlled demolition. 3 of the tools arrive with size in focus and the 4th is based on a supercharged capacitor that is not from World of Warcraft! Their tragedy and their destructive effect generate questions for the ‘Modern Prometheus’. Must he trust the gifts of fire and become ‘friend’ with them or should he reject any kind of harm?
- The zipIT project page generates a 29.6KB zip file in the visitors' browser. When saved and consequently unzipped to full potential the file contains 1EB of data. An exabyte is equivalent to 1024 petabytes, where a petabyte is itself 1024 terabytes – enough 0s to fill anyone’s hard drive.
"Before clicking download disable all preventive settings of your browser and now do the same with any antivirus programs running! These steps will help you get the huge potentialities on unzipping the bomb below!" The page alerts visitors by requests that appear to be candidly dispensing ill-advice.
- bombOn_a_Stick comes as a mail order object, a USB stick. "bombON_a_Stick! - Introducing the solution if you prefer to get your copy of the zip bomb via mail! Contact us and we will gladly guide one to your post box!" The stick transfers the zip file in an offline manner and the bomb’s readMe text companion assists prudent use. Beware: The stick may carry traces of cat memes!
- veryQuiet_PDF_bOMB's performance depends on the software environment where it surfaces. In the meantime, the pdf remains cross platform in nature by consistently managing to hide the 1 time character 0. Its only content. It does so due to dumb tweaks of the streaming object section of the file.
- "brickTool_No_1! - Voilà, the zapper of USB connectable devices! Contact us and we will gladly guide one to your post box!" This brickTool dispatches as a light-weight package, ready for shipping to zap USB connectable devices. The tool in the box is assembled around a throw-away camera's capacitor. How deep its discharge reaches depends on the actual build of the device to be bricked. At your service!
The project was created by the zipIT team consisting of
Konstantina Mavridou,
Rad0van Misovic and Zsolt Mesterhazy.