The Moment Before Discovery
an international symposium devoted to the development
of media technology and media art
both forgotten and unforeseen
Mucsarnok Jan 22 - 23, 1996
Invited Speakers:
- John Perry Barlow,USA
- Victor Burgin, USA
- Timothy Druckrey, USA
- Karel Dudesek, Germany
- Jean-Paul Fargier, France
- Ladislav Galeta, Croatia
- Jochen Gerz, Germany, France
- Marina GrzinicSlovenia
- Kathy Rae HuffmanGermany
- Richard Kriesche, Austria
- Werner Kunzel, Germany
- George Legrady, USA
- Valentina Valentini, Italy
- Tibor VĂ¡mos, Hungary
- Woody Vasulka, USA
- Peter Weibel, Austria
- Siegfried Zielinski, Germany