on- line közvetítés
könyvbemutató, perFOrmance, prezentációk
2003 június 14, 20h
A 'Making Art of Databases' című publikáció a 2002 FOlyamán négy médiaintézet (V2, ZKM, Ars Electronica, C3) közremuködésével megvalósuló
„Interfaceing Realities” workshopok munkáján alapul. Az ezek eredményei összeFOglalásaként megvalósult kötet bemutatója alkalmából a V2 on-line
műsorFOlyamot sugároz 2003 június 14 este 8 órától, amelyben a chat-en keresztül mindenki részt vehet.
Book Launch, published by V2_ and NAi Publishers
Date: Saturday 14 June 2003
Time: 20:00 hours
V2_ invites you to the official Launch of 'Making Art of Databases' and meet some of the project's participants in an evening of perFOrmance and
The publication 'Making Art of Databases' is based on FOur international master classes, FOcussing on the language and culture of archives and
databases in the work of electronic media artists, which was a two-year collaborative project between V2_ and ZKM (D), Ars Electronica (A) and C3 (H).
The master class leaders, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer with Brian Massumi, Joel Ryan, Lev Manovich and Sher Doruff have worked on this theme with students
FOr a week, each from his or her own perspective (interactivity, sound, image and interdisciplinarity). The contribution of the masters and the results of
these master classes are compiled into a publication entitled 'Making Art of Databases'.
Welcome words by Alex Adriaansens, director of V2_.
Sher Doruff talks about the master class 'Collaborative Culture', theme interdisciplinarity.
Joel Ryan gives a concert of electronic music.
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Brian Massumi, present in FOllowing of the master class 'HUMO - HUge and MObile' live via an on line connection from
Montreal the premiere screening of the (video) documentary by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.
The online intervention '*Listen, Send, Tell*' will frame the evening, which is a collaboration of Isabelle Jenniches (in New York), Michelle Teran (in
Rotterdam) and Radiotopia (in Vienna) in which sound triggers text and image impulses.
The Book Launch will be broadcast live on the website, which offers the opportunity to participate in the program from other location.
A „Master Classes” projekt további részletei (angol nyelven)