We would like to ask you to distribute this information to your colleagues, friends and artists who might be interested in taking part in that. We would be glad to receive names, brief artistic biography of the artists who want to participate in the project as well a brief idea/project concerning the work which is going to be done here. All information should be sent by fax or e-mail to the Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau as soon as possible, but not later than by Wednesday, August 15, 2001. For additional information, please, don't hesitate to contact us.
All the best, Lilia Dragneva
Project title: I n v a s i a (I n v a s i a n) Dates: September 15 - October 1, 2001 Synopsis: Invasion is the name of the international project launched by [KSA:K], Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau, in collaboration with the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of Republic of Moldova in 2001. The incursions of the Golden Horde over the Eurasia continent back in the Middle Ages, served as source of inspiration in conceiving this event. The Invasion is intended as a cultural dialogue project involving artists, cultural producers and theoreticians from countries, which were affected by the Golden Horde's invasions. Up to ten participants from Mongolia, Far East Russia, former republics of the Soviet Middle Asia, Eastern and Central Europe are invited to work together in Moldova. Locations: 1. Orheiul Vechi (archeological site, near village Trebujeni, Orhei county), 2. Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, 35, Banulecu Bodoni str., Chisinau, MD 2012, Moldova, tel/fax: + 373 2 238292 Program of the events of the project " INVASIA" 15.09 -Arriving of the participants 16.09-22.09- Work on the projects 23.09- Presentation of the participants projects 24.09- Conference 25.09- Departure of the participants Organizer: Curator: Stefan Rusu, Associate Curator: Octavian Esanu, KSA:K, Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Str. Puskin 16, Chisinau 2012 Moldova E-mail: ksak@art.md Phone: + 373 2 212766, Fax: + 373 2 212768