The main goals of Looking Inside are: - To increase mobility of cultural and arts practitioners who want to implement innovative models of operation in their organization or institution by exploring other cultural practices. - To contribute to share and exchange of competencies, practices, skills and knowledge between arts managers and cultural administrators by organizing placements in well-recognized artistic institutions from the region. - To invest in cultural professionals, who might contribute to significant long-term sustainable changes in culture and the arts in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Mongolia.
The aims of the Mobility Fund are: - Reinforcement of cultural dialogue and cooperation with and within Central Asia, Caucasus and Mongolia - Strengthening the transfer of knowledge and competence to this region for the sake of further cultural developments there - Promoting mobility of cultural and arts practitioners from Central Asia, Caucasus and Mongolia who want to implement innovative models of operation in their organization or institution by exploring other cultural practices. - Contributing, sharing and exchanging competencies, practices, skills and knowledge between cultural and arts practitioners from the targeted region and the rest of the Soros foundations' network. - Investment in cultural professionals and artists, who might contribute to significant long-term sustainable changes in Central Asia, Caucasus, and Mongolia.
The Capacity Building Program is aimed at: - Capitalizing the previous activities (achievements) of the Arts and Culture Network program after its phasing down by transmitting a substantial part of its role to capable institutions, organizations and resource centers in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus and Mongolia, so that the selected organizations undertake the role of a "knowledge- transmitter", advocate core issues in public debates and assist the "new-comers" in developing strategic thinking and activities. - This "delegation" of the network strategy to grass-root organizations and local/regional institutions, which are already capable to fulfil a key role in the region, is of crucial importance in regional capacity development in the cultural sphere and empowerment of local actors. - Strengthening the capacity of several regional institutions (by providing a substantial organizational grant) in the following fields: Art management training center; Policy research center; Art for social change center, Central Asia, Caucasus and Balkan regional centers. These institutions will be selected in the course of an international competition.