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PRELOM No.1/ 2001
by Magazine of The School for History and Theory of Images, Belgrade

Print date: 2001-06-15
Institution: CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS - BELGRADE - Serbia and Montenegro
Editor(s): Ivana Blagojević, Slobodan Karamanić, Dragana Kitanović (secretary of redaction), Vesna Madžoski (editor), Vladimir Marković, Svebor Midžić,Siniša Mitrović (editor-in-chief), Milan Rakita, Jelena Vesić
Contact: cca@dijafragma.com
WWW: http://www.dijafragma.com/school

Review: The first issue of Prelom (Break) magazine reexamines current relationship between politics and theory and it has been initiated with the aim to intensify, rather, revive activities on local theoretical and art scene engrossed in academism and enjoyment of its own autism, hermeticism and isolationism. Prelom sprang up from the School for History and Theory of Images (CCAb), one of the rare loci of opposition to such worrying tendencies, and each issue will have as its foundation contributions by the students of the School (essays, translations, reviews) and the transcripts of especially interesting lectures. The material is grouped into two main thematic units - Ideology & its discontents, and Reading the Image. The guest unit in this issue is Psycho<>Politics, with the newest translations of four Slavoj Žižek's texts. The policy of the journal is based on supporting young authors and development of critical thought in the face of all hegemonic artistic and intellectual practices. Also, Prelom will introduce the work of chosen young Yugoslav artist in each issue (in issue No.1 the special gift is original artwork by Žolt Kovač).
This is the contents of Prelom No.1:
a.. Rastko Močnik: Althussers Thesis
b.. What is to be Done? An interview with Boris Buden
c.. Vesna Madžoski: How I Became The Serb, or: From Pirate to Original
d.. Slobodan Karamanić: Alternative Academic Educational Network - New Model Education
e.. Vladimir Marković: >New Social Movement< in Serbia in the gos and Depiction of its Ideology
f.. Mark Terkessidis: Global Culture in Germany, or: How Repressed Women and Criminals Rescue Hybridity
g.. Darinka Pop Mitić & Svebor Midžić: Video-Games and Late Capitalism
h.. Ziauddin Sardar: The Postmodern Future of Orientalism
i.. Anne McClintock: Soft-Soaping Empires: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising
j.. Milan Rakita: Newly Undiscovered Balkans, or: How to Avoid the New Balkanization of Balkans
k.. Kaja Silverman: Objects Lost, Subject Deceived
l.. Francette Pactau: Mirror, Mirror...
m.. Ivana Blagojević: Black Shows No Stains
n.. Reina Lewis: Looking Good: Lesbian Gaze and Fashion Imaginary
o.. Mieke Bal & Norman Bryson: Semiotics and History of Art
p.. Jelena Vesić: The Death of the Virgin
q.. Roland Barthes: Le message photographique Le troiseme sens ...

a.. Siniša Mitrović: Studium & punctum in Roland Barthes' Theory of Photography
b.. Branislav Dimitrijević: Blow Up
c.. Dejan Sretenović: The Rhetoric of Image, the Small-town Philosophy (in 10 scenes)
d.. Roland Barthes: Diderot, Brecht, Eisenstein (all texts are in Serbian)

Received on 2002-12-02 from Branko Dimitrijevic - Yugoslavia


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