Periferic 5
by Matei Bejanaru
Print date: 2002-01-20
ISBN: 973-8122-09-0
Contact: bmatei@mail.dntis.ro
WWW: http://www.periferic.org
Review: The catalogue of the Periferic Contemporary Art Biennial held in Iasi, Romania in June 2001. The exhibition was curated by Matei Bejanaru and organised by Vector Cultural Association - Iasi. Bejanaru defines the project as "utopian as it want to 'reproduce' projects of the metropolis and to legitimate itself within the contemporary art's global system of validation and hierarchic differentiation".
The book on 286 pages brings texts by Bejanaru, Babias, Lungu, Polgar, and Gheorghe as well as the Periferic - Questionnaire answered by Angel, Kreuger, Stiles, Pintilie, Kortun, Barak, Perjovschi, Guta, Alicavusoglu, dan, Lederer. In Romanian, English and French.
Received on 2003-06-17 from Alenka Pirman -