Concerning this phenomenon, I have a story to tell:
In the summer of 1990 (together with the Újlak group), I participated in the Inspiration-Sommeratelier: Junge Kunst in Europa program. I was hitchhiking from Graz to Hannover with a friend of mine, Péter Szarka. I only took a large suitcase which was quite uncomfortable while taking those long walks waiting for a lift. The installation consisted of two large (a little bit bigger than average) suitcases made of plaster, with some rose petals applied to their sides. The work (since the transport back to Hungary was impossible) was destroyed, and all that remains are some photos of me standing next to the suitcases with my hands on my hips.
Weeks later in Budapest, wandering around in a secondhand bookshop, I picked up a thin volume - Selected Poems of a Greek poet, Jannis Ritsos (of whom I had never heard before) - and started to read the lines below:
Roses on the suitcase
You stand with your hands on your hips
Tell me, what would you like to ask now?