On this page you can see the cover of the first issue of the magazine Fractals. We published an article (A. Imre, Z. Vértesy, T. Pajkossy, and L. Nyikos: Morphology of Cobalt Electrodeposits, Fractals, 1, 59 (1993)), which was based largely on the work of Attila Imre, who was working on his Ph.D. at the time. The electromicroscopic images were made by Zofi Vértesy. It was to their credit that two dozen fine diagrams accompanied the article. They also took the photo displayed on the cover of the first issue of Fractals.

Attila Imre has produced many diverse morphologies altering the parameters of the electrolic metal-disjunction. Countless photos of the aggregations have been taken, most of which naturally could not be published. I have selected the following from those.

The globular ones are between 10-100 micrometer.The enlargement extends from the left to the right.

Close-up on the Cobalt tree and its branches. Nice examples of the fractals in three-dimensional space.

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