b) We can realize the myth that we are living in - insofar as we relate to it intermedially, taking every named as a medium - through the "extra-mythic" element that the myth itself contains as an "intra-mythic" element in order to overcome, or more precisely, fulfil itself. (Thus, it has already gained expression, but is still on its initial stage of its self-realization.) This is the intermedial potential that organizes the myth under the aegis of the mythic liberation, in other words, this is the basis of the change of the myth. The art - and even more, the intermedial non-art art - is the conscious realization of this extra-mythic element which is nothing else than the elimination of the inner bounderies of the myth, as if the intra-mythic was turned inside-out to become a universal extra-myth.

Qualifying the human condition intolerable, based on our experience and Genesis 3.1-24*, we make the presumption that the cultural, economic, and legal depravation of the threefold society must be explained by its mythical roots, and so we have to perceive and apply artistic activity in this context.

According to the actual reading of the myth, the disclosed, perceived and applied Subsistence Level Standard is that which can be turned against the myth, that which can be in the end identifiable with the extra-mythic element. In this process,drawing an inference from the jurisdiction of the myth, we must step into the sphere towards the extra-mythic which is in-between the intra-mythic and the extra-mythic - into the Subsistence Level Standard Project**. Following the expression of the role of the project as model*** and during and after the continual embodiment of it, the concrete confrontation with the fundamental happening of the myth becomes inevitable in the core of the extra-mythic element: once the automated gene-operated replacement on the tree of the over-consumed fruit accomplished, the suspension of the aleotoric interpretation of the good and the evil**** also results. This is not the new fall into the sin of picking the fruit from the forbidden Tree of Immortality, but on the contrary, it restores the original situation on the level of the age of automatization, from where there is no road back to the age of the apocalypse.

The furtherance of the salvation plan of the mith happens with the realization of the Subsistence Level Standard Project, of which the last phase is the reaching of the immortality of the body.***** Thus will the inner schedule of the myth come into being.

* Let us mention the women's legendary, what's more, mythical subordination, to which the pains of giving birth are obviously also closely connected, as an example of one of the types of punishment. Or the work: bearing thorns and thistles, sweatingly. Or here is for example death° itself, as one of the most strict forms of punishment.

** We call the procedure a "project", because the extra-mythic element is the projection of the self-liquidating intra-mythic potential of the myth.

*** 1.The overcoming by artificial mutation of the evolutionist and the creationist myths; 2. The declaration of the appearance of the artificial, unemployed, mutant-class; 3. The definition°° of the rightful place of this new class among the cultural, economic and legal conditions of the social organism by radically changing these conditions.

**** Translated into the language of aesthetics, we firmly state, standing in front of the six-nippled Kant, that there is no beauty without the interest of liberation!- that is, the goal sanctifies the means. This is how for one this is beautiful and for the other that, each according to hir own liberation. Moreover, a work considered to be ugly by the majority (e.g.: Beuys: Grease-corner) is beautiful for the minority and vice versa (e.g.: the Taj Mahal), what's more, a work considered to be ugly by everybody may be beautiful for everybody, but not vice versa (e.g.: the Venus of Willendorf), what's more, this all can be judged once this way and another time that way, according to the actual stages of the salvation plan of the liberation. The day is near when the bad, in terms of aesthetics, will be determined by the good so much so that the bad which is refused till now will be domesticated and conquered and it will become an object of our admiration.°°°

***** We are using the expression Anatomical Immortality, because - since anatomy is the disection of the corpse and the naming of its parts in order to determine the cause of death - we refer to intermedium with the infinitesimally infra-thin scalpel.

° Even with the most generous measurement a human generation lives just a little longer than a crocodile, - 365 x 70 - , 25 550 flitting days! Now, we cannot say that there has been justizmord committed, on the contrary: this is a classic archetypical example of "the sin contains the punishment"-case. The over-consumer doesn't even deserve anything else.

°° This definition merely precedes the autonomic self-definition of the mutant class which will finally choose from the social spectrum necesarrily between the position of the creative, begging, holy caste and, in the case of being unfit for life, the parasite - also holy - ghetto of society's outcastes.

°°° Comp.: Archeologist Dr. Ervin Veres and his team found the skull of the perished Satan in New Mexico in the summer of 1993.

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