Habitual's Update, Technical Evolve with Capable Humanity
Our Foundation have been dealing with methodological development and experiments
for common self-employment of unemployed people since 1991.
In accordance with our experience unemployed people are averse to undertaking
activities in a greater extent than average in the society. This attitude
is consequence of lack of resources and insufficient capability for taking
In Hungary the view repsented by the Intermediate
Technology Development Group in the United Kingdom since 1996 is completely
Creation, production and operation of products, services and tools, developed
taking into account needs, cultural levels and financial possibilities
of people, has not yet been significant.
Philosophy of the program:
To make capable unempleyed people to start common enterprises which are
well-established and safe regarding technical experience, education and
market possibilities. This starting period is carried out by transit-employment,
in the framework of the Foundation. We would like to give good work (Ernst
Schumacher: "Good Work" 1994.) to them. This goal is achieved in such a
way that they can start with realization of patents and licences developed
specially to the domestic market. Since they carry out everything themselves
(with some help) they can learn all the aspects in an enterprise so there
will be no problem later when the independent operation takes place.
Main purposes of the program
To start production of new patents in one and a half year periods. Participants
are able to gain experience, to build up the market and be capable, after
this period, for further production in an enterprise form. The product
should be originated from domestic innovation and be met the level and
needs of end-users.