European Kairos document proposes global reform for
economic justice
London (ENI). Churches need to step in where politicians have
failed, and help to create a fairer global economic system, according to a
prominent German theologian.
Dr Ulrich Duchrow from Heidelberg said economic troubles in Mexico,
Asia, Russia, Brazil and Japan proved that such problems were "not just
regional phenomena, but a crisis of the global system". Dr Duchrow was
addressing a meeting in London held to launch the English-language
version of the European Kairos Document, which strongly criticises
"deregulated market forces", which, it says, is leading to "mass
unemployment and social cutbacks" in Europe and "growing injustice"
throughout the world. [ENI-98-0508, 1073 words]
After modern history's 'worst disaster', churches urge pardon of debts Tegucigalpa, Honduras (ENI). Central American church leaders have appealed to international lenders to forgive the foreign debt of Honduras and Nicaragua, two poor countries that have been devastated by Hurricane Mitch. "If we're going to survive and rebuild, we've got to start off with complete forgiveness of the debt," said Noemi Espinoza, executive president of the Christian Commission for Development in Honduras. [ENI-98-0509, 724 words]
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