for RobotVox, PC-robot and MultiVox.

                      for visually impaired computer users

        Copyright (c) Csaba Ecsedi (1996 Budapest, Phonetics Laboratory)

                         All rights reserved worldwide.

                               Users manual

              Table of contents:

    1. The first time to meet the PSR PROGRAM

          1.1. Parts of the PSR system

          1.2. Software elements of the PSR system

    2. Installation

          2.1. Installation (software)

    3. First sounds

    4. Usage at DOS prompt

          4.1. The proper use of some DOS commands

    5. Standard settings

          5.1. The CONFIG file

          5.2. Creating a new config file

          5.3. Starting with an user-defined Config file

    6. Functions

          6.1. Screen watching

          6.2. Global watching

          6.3. Cursor watching

    7. Options

          7.1. Active window and it's defining

          7.2. Turning the comprimation on and off

          7.3. The type and resolution of the screen

    8. Review mode (offline)

          8.1. Differentiating between small and capital letters

    9. Using the mouse (offline)

    10.  The teaching

          10.1. The color file: color.eng

          10.2. The  spelling file: spell.eng

          10.3. The message file: messages.eng

          10.4. The change file: change.eng

          10.5. Special file: special.eng

          10.6 The keyboard echo file: prompt(1,2).eng

    11. Interrupting the speech service

    12. Reading windows and spots

          12.1. Defining the reading windows and spots

          12.2. Linking the reading windows and spots

          12.3. Using the reading windows and spots

    13. The usage of the provided hotkeys

          13.1. The hotkey setting's changing possibility

          13.2. Table of the hotkeys and their meanings

    14. The usage of the SETUP program

    15. Example for learning the screen watching

    16. About the progressive settings

                 ---------- ********** ----------

        1. The first time to meet the PSR PROGRAM

          The main features of the PSR PROGRAM:

          This screen reader program is intended to make your work
          easier on a way that you can learn everything important
          from the screen, meanwhile, you don't have to suspend the
          currently running program.

          Of course, you can need it either, so you can find this
          function in the PSR PROGRAM as well.

          This screen reader is based on a new philosophy, so it
          can be used without any difficulties everywhere, where
          there is a textual screen even with 50 lines!

          You can use the mouse too, all you have to do is moving
          the mouse cursor. Thus, after a short period of practice,
          you can easily read the contents of the screen by letter,
          by word, or by line in online mode, without interrupting
          the currently running program. However, this method is
          not recommended for blind users!

        The PSR talks on PC-robot and MultiVox The uttered
        messages and commands are stored in separate text files.

        1.1. Parts of the PSR system

          The parts of the PSR system are the following:

              -- PSR PROGRAM system on a floppy disk

              -- An user manual

        1.2. Software elements of the PSR system

          There are four files on the PSR original diskette:

          INSTALL.BAT      It has to be executed to install the software

          INSTALLX.EXE     It extracts the files

          DD.EXE           A device, used by PSR

          DATA.WSB         The system in a compressed format

          The list of files after installation:

          START.EXE        This is the starting file
                           (parameterable, contained by PSR.BAT)
          PSRDRV.EXE       The main program

          SETUP.EXE        The hotkey set is redefinable by the
                           user's requirements
          HOTKEY.SET       It contains the executable hotkey set

          CTRLHOT.SET      The executable hotkey set, only with
                           the CTRL key

          PSRCONF.SYS      The declaration of starting parameters

          APPLY.EXE        A linker for the applications

          APPLY.LST        Description of the reading windows and
                           spots for the applications

          APPLY.SET        Parameter file for the applications

          MESSAGES.ENG     Message file, editable

          CHANGE.ENG       Change file, it contains the punctuations
                           and their pronunciation

          SPELL.ENG        Spelling file, the words while spelling

          COLOR.ENG        Color file, contains the color's nomination

          SPECIAL.ENG      Description for a given color code
                           (for Word 5.5)

          PSR.DOC          Text file, containing this manual

          DEMO.TXT         This is an introduction text file

          SMALLCAP.PSR     National capitals characters for beep

          PROMT1.ENG       The textual definition of the hotkeys
                           (for beginners)

          PROMT2.ENG       The textual definition of the hotkeys
                           (for professionals)

        2. Installation:

          Preparing for installation

          Before installing, please check your hard disk's
          sufficiency. You will need at least 500 Kbytes to install
          the program.

        2.1 Installation (software)

          Warning! The files of PSR and the TEXT TO SPEECH must be in the
          same directory.

          1. Insert the PSR diskette in the drive.

          2. Go to this drive. E.G. A: (enter)

          3. Type the word INSTALL, then press the enter key (ENTER)

          The "INSTALL" program on the floppy disk creates a PSR
          directory on the hard disk and copies the files into it. The
          "INSTALL" program creates the PSR.BAT file in the root
          directory. The system can be started with it after booting.

          4. Step back on the hard disk. E.G. C:\(ENTER)

          5. Start the PSR PROGRAM with the file PSR.BAT, so type:

                  PSR    (ENTER)

          In case the PSR directory is existing, so it is not the
          first installation, the program overwrites it.

                  The PSR.BAT starting file:

          The screen reader starts the speech synthesizer first.

          Right after it, the parameterable "LINKSB.exe linker is
          started.  Finally, it starts the screen reader program, that
          displays and says it's header.  After these, the program is
          operating, shows a pattern text, it even says it, so it is
          useful for the further examinations of the program, such as
          reading lines, or spelling.  For further assistance, see the
          hotkey table on the end of this documentation.  If this text
          is not audible, then the PSR PROGRAM is not started, but
          displayed an error message.  (The DEMO.TXT will run only
          after the installation.)

        3. First sounds

          The first time the program is in cursor watching mode, and
          echoes the DOS promt (C:\PSR>).

          If you type something, the program echoes the keys you
          press.  In case you type fast, some letters wont be heard.
          If a text is not understandable, you can check it in
          off-line mode (CTRL+ALT+SPACE) it can be read with the up
          and down arrow keys line by line.

        4. Usage at DOS prompt

          Most of the DOS commands work only in cursor watching mode.
          If it is not so, the text can't be heard.  In this case, it
          can be read in off-line mode.

        5. Standard settings

          After starting the program, the following settings are

              PSRCONF.SYS Configuration file
          Default, not necessary to specify!)

          This editable file contains the starting defaults and the
          file declarations.  If you want new settings, but you wish
          to keep the old one, create a new one with an other name,
          such as psrconf2.sys, and start the program with typing the
          following command:


          If you want these settings for default, modify your
          "PSR.BAT" file.

          Default settings in the PSRCONF.SYS file:

          The original program will work with the following
          settings at starting:

          Cursor watching: on

          Mouse Off Line        off

          Display type (rows): 25

          Special functions for editor: on

          Comprimation: on

          Active window: off (full screen)

          Space function: off, when hitting the space, the previous
          word is pronounced.

        5.1. The CONFIG file (editable)

          The PSR PROGRAM starts with the basic parameters
          specified in the PSRCONF.SYS configuration file. The
          system can handle more than one config file, so for
          special programs, we can create separate standard
          settings, with modifying the inner parameters of the
          original config file.

        5.2. Creating a new config file:

          It is useful to keep the original config file, so save it
          when creating a new one..

        5.3. Starting with an user-defined Config file

          The PSR PROGRAM is activated with the execution of the
          START.EXE program. If we simply press enter after typing
          the START command, the PSR system will start with the
          default settings. If we type the name of a config file
          after the start command, then the program will use it as
          default, E.G.:

              START PSRCONf2.SYS

        6. Functions

          Changing the current function is done with pressing the ALT+CTRL+J
          key combination, then the program announces the new, current
          The default is the "cursor watching" function.
          If we press the ALT+CTRL+J key combination, we switch to
          "global watching" mode. If we press it again, we switch
          to "screen watching" mode.
          Pressing it for the third time, we return to "cursor watching"
          In all of the functions the cursor keys are used as follows:

                CURSOR KEYS

          If we jump on the first letter of a word, the word is
          pronounced if the auto word reading function is on.

          The arrow keys function as in an editor normally, The
          current line or character is pronounced.

          For pressing the home key the first, for the end key the
          last word of the line is pronounced. If it is not so,
          then it is because the current editor has a different
          cursor moving capability.

        6.1. Screen watching

          In this function, the PSR PROGRAM let's us know if there
          is any textual change on the screen, meanwhile the
          current program is not interrupted. When we type, then
          the presently pressed key is pronounced. If there isn't
          any textual change, then the program watches the color of
          the screen, and tells us the content of any tinted area.
          For example in the DOS EDITOR, when we move in the menu,
          there is no textual change, but the current menuitem's
          color is changed, so it is pronounced.

          The textual change has a higher precedence, so it only
          pronounces the tinted area if there isn't any textual change.

        6.2. Cursor watching

          This mode is recommended while text editing. In this case the
          current line is audible and editable.

          Important! Beside the key echo the current word is
          pronounced if the space function is turned on. It can be
          a relevant aid when we type fast.
          If we use the backspace and the del keys to delete, then the rest
          of the current word is pronounced.

          In insert mode, the right part of the word is heard.

              Key commands and their effect

          PGDN -    It steps to the next page, and reads the
          screen, or the current window if specified.

          PGUP -    It steps to the previous page and reads the
          screen or the current window if specified.

        6.3. Global watching

          When we switch to this function, we can hear every change on
          the screen.  It is useful with pull-down menus (when the
          screen watching function is not effective), or when a
          comment belongs to a menu item.

        7. Options

        7.1. Active window and it's defining

          The purpose of the active window is that we don't
          necessarily have to hear the full screen.  We can define the
          top of the window with moving to the top of the desired
          window - either in on-line or off- line - and pressing the
          ALT+B key combination.  Then we will hear the following
          message: "top of the active window is defined.".  Then we
          have to move the cursor to the bottom of the window, and
          press the ALT+B key combination once more.  We will hear the
          following message with a beep: "button of the active window
          is defined.".  If we want to hear the lines above the active
          window, we should press the header hotkey (CTRL+ALT+T), if
          we want to hear the lines under the active window, we have
          to press the status hotkey (CTRL+ALT+Y).  Switching between
          the active window and the full screen is done with the
          CTRL+ALT+X key combination.

        7.2. Comprimation

          The comprimation function is used when we don't want to hear
          the series of the same character if it appears more than
          three times after each other, so it will be pronounced only
          three times.  For example if there are many stars in a text.

          Warning!  The space character is not pronounced.  We can
          turn the comprimation on and off with the ALT+Ctrl+O hotkey.

        7.3. The type and resolution of the screen

          The screen resolution default is 25 lines and 80 columns.The
          most screen devices can handle the 50 lines resolution
          (EGA/VGA).  In the PSR PROGRAM there is also a possibility
          to change to 50 lines screen, its hotkey is:


        8. Review mode (offline)

          When this function is turned on, the running of the current
          program is stopped, and we can read the whole screen.  The
          program reads the texts under the spots as well!

          Hotkey: ALT+Ctrl+SPACE, then we hear a beep.  Exit: escape.

          When we press the hotkey again, we can hear: "review"

          Offline Possibilities: The arrow keys work just like in an

          In this mode the hotkeys work just like in on-line mode.
          Further keys:

               "U"    Positions the cursor in the upper left corner

               "N"    Positions the cursor in the lower left corner

               "P" The reading of a selected line from the screen.
                   Pressing this key, you can hear:
                                   "type the line number."

        After typing a number and pressing enter the selected line is
        heard. If we type two digits, then we do not need to press enter.

          "TAB"  Progressive settings (see chapter 16)

        8.1. Differentiating between small and capital letters

          The program differentiates between small and capital letter,
          at typing and moving the cursor as well.  When a capital
          letter is read, a short beep can be heard.

        9. Using the mouse (offline)

          Turning on/off: CTRL+ALT+M (heard: "mouse review on.  This
          mode is important if we do not want to suspend the currently
          running program, though we want to read some pieces of
          information from the screen without touching the keyboard.

          The mouse offline can be used as follows: When the mouse
          cursor is on the first letter of a word, then the word is

          When we move up or down, then the current line is

        When we move to the left or to the right, then the letter
        currently under the mouse cursor is pronounced.

          Using the mouse bottoms:

        Left button: reads the attribute

        (E.G. white letter on a black background)

        The middle button spells the character

        The right button pronounces the ascii and the color code
        of the current character

        The mouse offline can run with everything, we do not need
        to exit it.

        Important! The screen watching and the global watching
        does not work. In this case only the word under the mouse
        cursor is heard, so when going to a new line, there is no
        automatic line reading.

        10.  The teaching

          The messages and pieces of information pronounced by the PSR
          PROGRAM, are stored in text files, with the extension *.ENG.
          These files can be edited for the requirements of the user,
          but each file must begin with an blank line.

        - The format: The character to be replaced, a space, and
        the text to replace with.

        - The last line must be blank.

        10.1. The color file: color.eng

        This is the only exception from the rules. Here the
        replacing characters are not specified, here are only the
        name of the colors. The order is important!

        10.2. The  spelling file: spell.eng

        This has a nearly similar format to the one above. Here
        we have to specify the words to pronounce for each
        letter, the first letter of the word stands for the
        desired letter.

        10.3. The message file: messages.eng

        There are the messages used by the program. These can be
        overwritten, but the order must not be changed, and the
        length of a line must not be more than 80 characters.

        10.4. The change file: change.eng

        Here we can assign a word to each character. See the
        format at the beginning of this chapter. Here we can
        assign a word to all of the 255 characters.

        The assigned text is not only for the key echo, but it is
        also used when the program reads a text. If we cannot
        type a character, then it's ascii code has to be typed.

            - The first and the last line must be blank!

        10.5. Special file: special.eng

        We use this file if we want to assign a message to a
        color code, or we want to know the shape of a letter. It
        is useful, when working in an editor, and if the special
        function is on (default), then we can learn that a text
        is italic for example.

        If we want it to let us know about a new character, we
        have to get information about the character and color
        code of it. After this, we type this character in the
        next line of the special.eng file, then a space, and
        finally the message to the specified character.

        The original special.eng file contains the settings for

        10.6 The keyboard echo file: prompt(1,2).eng

        There are two keyboard echo files supplied with the PSR
        PROGRAM. These are: prompt1.eng, and prompt2.eng. You
        have to specify in the psrconf.sys file, the one you want
        to use. These files determine, what we want to hear when
        pressing a key. It is also valid when moving around in an
        editor letter by letter, but when reading a text, the
        program pronounces it properly.

        11. Interrupting the speech service

        Often we might need to turn the speech off, for example
        if we do not want to hear a part of a text. We have
        several ways to do that:

        -- Temporary muting: when we press the CTRL or the ALT
        keys, the program stops speaking as long as we keep it

        -- Constant muting: by pressing the CTRL+ALT+K hotkey,
        the program will stop speaking, it will speak only for
        the hotkeys. Pressing this combination again, it will
        turn to default, so it will always speak.

        Important! The program mutes the text, when we press a
        muting key, and after that, the program encounters a

        12. Reading windows and spots

        In the PSR PROGRAM we have a possibility to mark active
        and passive windows. If we define an active window, then
        the screen reading functions will be limited only to
        that. When we specify a passive spot then it will not be
        read. With these two options, we can make the use of the
        program more effective. Many time we do not need to hear
        an area of the screen, such as the line numbers in an
        editor, or the clock in the Norton Commander. In this
        case, we can define a spot, or if we want to use the
        certain part of the screen, then we can define an active
        window. While running the program, we can define ten
        applications, and ten spots and ten windows in an

        This option can be selected with the CTRL+ALT+I key, when
        we hear a short beep, then we can switch between the
        applications with the up and down arrow keys. If we chose
        it, we have to press the number of the selected window,
        then exit with the ESC key.

        In the PSR PROGRAm we have seven predefined applications,
        they are as follows:
              1. DOS prompt;

              2. Norton Commander;

              3. Edit;

              4. Kedit 3.5;

              5. WordPerfect5.1;

              6. FrameWork XE;

              7. Recognita +.

        When we selected the current application and it's window,
        and we do not exit, pressing the number of the selected
        window again, the context of the window can be heard.

        12.1. Defining the reading windows and spots

        The reading windows and spots are defined in the
        apply.lst text file, that is editable. The definitions of
        the seven predefined applications are as follows:

              Title: DOS Prompt

              (There are no definitions, we need the full screen.)

              Title: Norton Commander.    (the name of the

              Reads: 2,1-20,39    (reading: line, column, line,

              Reads: 2,41-20,79

              Spots: 0,73-7       (spot: line, column - length)

              Spots: 24,0-80

              Title: Edit.        (Micro Soft editor)

              Spots: 24,70-9

              Title: Kedit

              Reads: 0,0-0,14

              Reads: 0,15-0,26

              Reads: 0,27-0,38

              Reads: 0,39-0,50

              Spots: 1,1-3

          The spots cannot contain more than one line.

        12.2. Linking the reading windows and spots

        We have to link the extended apply.lst as follows:

        At the DOS prompt type:

             "APPLY.EXE" (enter)
              APPLY.LST is a default file

        Then the program asks for the output set file:

        Compiled application file name :

        Type: apply.set    (Enter)
        Now we have created a new apply.set file, that is not in
        text format, but this can be used by the program.

        12.3. Using the reading windows and spots

        If we translate it with a name, other than apply.set,
        then we have to modify the psrconf.sys file. E.G.:

          Application file        : C:\PSR\applynew.set

        13. The usage of the provided hotkeys:

    Activated with the CTRL+ALT combination:

              J = Cursor; global; screen switching

              A = pronouncing the background and the foreground

              B = defining the active window (online and offline)

              D = reads the character and it's color code under the

              E = reads the word right from the cursor

              F = switching from 25 to 50 lines reading

              I  = selecting the application

              K  = turning the speech on and off

              L = reading the current line

              M  = mouse offline on and off

              O = comprimation on and off

              P = asking the position of the cursor (line, column)

              Q = reads the word left to the cursor

              R = reading the full screen

              S = spelling

              T = reads the lines above the active window

              U = pronounces the appearance form of a character

              Z  = pronounces the type of the character under the

              W = reads the word at the cursor

              X = switching between full screen and active window

              Y = reads the lines under the active window

              comma = reads the active line to the cursor

              period = reads the current line from the cursor

              SPACE = switching to offline reading mode, exit = ESC

    Offline hotkeys:

              Ctrl+right arrow = one word to the right

              Ctrl+left arrow   = one word to the left

    The following keys are used without CTRL+ALT:

              HOME = jumps to the first position of the current

              END = jumps to the end of the current line

              up arrow = reads the complete line

              down arrow = reads the complete line

              left arrow = reads one character

              right arrow = reads one character

              PgUp and PgDn = reads the active window

              U = jumps to the upper left corner of the screen

              N = jumps to the lower left corner of the screen

              P  = reads the selected line (type the line number)

        - There is an other hotkey table provided with the
        program, it's only difference is, that it's hotkeys are
        used only with the CTRL key. If you want to use it, you
        have to modify the psrconf.sys file, for the hotkey file
        you have to enter the filename ctrlhot.set.

        14. The usage of the SETUP program

        ( the user can define a new hotkey table)

        Switch to screen watching mode: CTRL+ALT+J


        setup   (enter)

        The computer pronounces and displays:

        Please type the hotkey file name

        or press enter for default settings.

        If we type the name of an existing hotkey file, then we

        can modify it.

        If we press enter, then we can modify or review the

        active hotkey file with the up and down arrow keys.

        Press enter now

        After this, the setup program displays the function that

        we can currently change. We can move to an other function

        with the arrow keys, or we can change it with pressing

        space, when it ask's for the new key combination.

        E.G.: CTRL+ALT (default).

        You can exit the submenu with pressing the ESC key.

        When you have modified the hotkeys, then you can exit

        with the ESC key.

        Now you can specify the new hotkey file name, or press enter to

        exit without saving.

        Important! If you define a new hotkey table, do not

        forget to modify the psrconf.sys file:

          Hotkey file name:    newfile.set

        Example for learning the screen watching

        It is recommended to use the screen watching mode while

        running a menudriven program, such as the Norton

        Commander. Enter the program, then change to screen

        watching mode, since in cursor watching it will say

        nothing useful. Now moving with the arrow keys, you can

        hear the current file's name. You can also hear it's

        date, the system time, and some messages. Avoiding this,

        select the appropriate application with pressing


        16. About the progressive settings

        The progressive settings give us an option to set the

        higher level functions of the PSR PROGRAM, but not only

        in the config file, but also from offline, when pressing

        the tab key.

              F1    :    word or line reading for the up and down
               arrow keys

              F2    :    Wether to spell or say the character when
               pressing the left or the right arrow keys.

              F3    :    Detailed or continuous reading. At
               continuous reading, the punctuations are not

              F4    :    Automatic word reading. When the cursor is
               on the beginning of a word, wether to pronounce it
               or not

              F5    :    Autoquiet.

    Default settings in the psrconf.sys:

          Auto line reading   : On
          Auto spell character     : Off
          Detailed reading    : On
          Auto word reading   : Off
          Auto quiet     : On


          Warning! The PSR PROGRAM and it's present documentation
          is a spiritual product, and protected by copyright law.

          This product cannot be multiplied without a written
          permission of it's owner. Illegal usage may result in
          severe civil and criminal penalties.

                  Writers, developers:

          Csaba Ecsedi: project manager, prog-mat.

          Tamas Babinszki: tester (English documentation)

          dr. Gabor Olaszy: Fonetics Laboratory

        E-mail: ecsedi(at)