Invitation to the Mini-Symposium on "Multidrug
Resistance in Cancer"
June 09 (Friday), 2000
(Organised by the Hungarian Biochemical Society,
the Boilogy Section
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and NWO-OTKA)
At the Institute of Enzymology, Hung. Acad. Sci.
Budapest, XI. Karolina u. 29.
Opening of the Conference (Prof. Péter
Freidrich, Hung. Acad. Sci.)
13:40 - 15:00
Keynote lecture - Prof. Piet Borst (The Nederlands
Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Nederlands): Transport
of drugs out cancer cells and normal tissues: lesson from biochemical experiments
and knock-out mice
15:00 - 15:30
Gergely Szakács,
András Váradi (Institute of Enzymology and Natl.. Inst.
Haematol.., Budapest, Hungary): Transition
state formation in ABC transporters
Raymond Evers (Georg
Speyer House, Frankfurt am Main, Germany): Function
and localosation of the multigrug resistance proteins (MRPs)
Éva Bakos, Balázs
Sarkadi (Institute of Enzymology and Natl.. Inst. Haematol.., Budapest,
Hungary): Characterisation of the N.terminal
region of the human MRP1