Title: Globalization, communication, and transnational civil society / edited by Sandra Braman, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi. Published: Cresskill, N.J. : Hampton Press, c1996. Description: viii, 312 p. ; 24 cm. Series: International Association for Mass Communication Research LC Call No.: P96.I5G57 1996 Dewey No.: 302.23 20 ISBN: 157273020X 1572730218 (pbk.) Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-290) and index. Subjects: Communication, International. Communication and culture. Other authors: Braman, Sandra. Sreberny, Annabelle. Series Entry: International Association for Mass Communication Research (Series) Control No.: 96022694 //r99Tagged display | Brief Record Display | New Search
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