Árpád Szabados: Helyzetek (Situations)
opening speech: Jurecskó László - Friday 10 April 2015, 18.00
duration: 11 April – 7 May 2015

The materials of the exhibition are several photo-series made in 1978-1981 and one made in 2010-2011. The older ones were shot on film the recent series was produced with digital technology.
I didn't intend the works from 1970'-1980' to be concept art. They got this character without purpose. The pieces of the series define each other. They can be interpreted separately or together as well. Many of the snapshots record situations on the borderline of visible and invisible. They captured the moments of disappearance or transformation. We can feel it, if we watch the pictures in reverse order.
In the case of the newer series with the bear I would have liked to carry on a dialogue in pictures with a huge toy animal filled with straw.  It is also possible I had desired that the bear would break the meditative silence around us. I would never expect that my human friends do the same.