Andrzej Swietlik, Andrzej Makary Wielogórski, Marek Janiak, Andrzej
A LÓDZ KALISKA TAGJAI:1. Adam Rzepecki -
A csoport többi tagja hosszú évekre kizárta a Lódz Kaliska soraiból – merő irigységből. Állítólag elnyomta, sőt összelapította őket mérhetetlen tehetségével. Ő volt az ötletadó a Lódz Kaliska legtöbb vállalkozásánál. Tapasztalt szakértője a női nemnek. Marinista.2. Andrzej Garbaty Kwietniewski, a Púpos
Performer, színész, a Lódz Kaliska Arca, remekül beleillett a lengyel óvszerek reklámkampányába. Most éppen techno DJ (újrakeverte a Bogurodzicát).3. Andrzej Swietlik -
A fővárosi társadalom portré-fényképésze. A legdisztingváltabb Kaliska-tag. A varsói nők idősebb nemzedéke nagyra tartja és bálványozza.4. Marek Ropny Janiak, a Gennyes
Belsőépítész.5. Andrzej Makary Wielogórski
A csoport kis kedvence (158 cm), aki sokszor felképelni való kölyköt alakít. Különlegesen vonzó ábrázatát úgy formálta meg, hogy a bolgár rajzfilmek szereplőit utánozta. Jambósapkákat gyűjt.
1. Marek Janiak
Born in 1929, lives in Lódz since 16 years (before that, inter alia in Czestochowa), forming education, amateur sculptor. Wife Michalina, three children. His artistic credo: To be or not to be - simultanously. Fascinated with jazz music in his early youth, spent three years in music school. He is currently working over a symbolic figure "Captivation" presenting in stone the Infant himself.2. Andrzej Kwietniewski
Born in 1965 in Siemiatycze, lives in Lódz for 5 years. Married four times, daughter Marysia. Graduated from the Lublin Catholic University and the Higher School of Social Sciences. Amateur sociologist - in the Lódz Kaliska group he emplays himself with relations and casting (it is him whom we owe that the group's muses are so nice). In 1974-1975 scholarship stay in Canada. Since one month he realizes in Bohemia a dark feature film with the interim title "The Arts".3. Adam Rzepecki -
Born in 1951. Art historian, journalist, Bachelar, two children. He has written the book "I know dada, please go out" dedicated to art of traveling. Connoisseur of wines. For eleven years he has persistently caried stones to the peak of Czerwony Wierch thus making it on and half meter higher above sea level. Since two years he is working as 5th Promotion Department Manager of the town Nowy Sacz. Currently his artistic activities are sporadic.4. Andrzej Swietlik -
Born in 1951. Comes from Pomerania. Married, two sons. Self-taught photographer. Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. Lives in Warsaw since 20 years; a friend of all male and female artists. He has made about twenty five thousands pictures, inter alia Playboy cover, billboards, newspaper coverpages. During the last three years in the Lódz Kaliska group he employed himself exclusively with conceptional and promotional work. In his spare time he is finishing few cardboard models of the first world war airplanes.5. Andrzej Wielogórski
Born in 1939 in Vienna, lives in Lódz since his early childhood. Educated as a graphic artist and actor (graduated from the State Higher Film, Television and Theatre School in Lódz). He has made television commercials and promotional campaigns for the world leading producers in RTV. Winner of numerous competitions, including the World Press Photo. He is dealing with Public Relations of the Lódz Kaliska group. He most recent passion are old cars (Alfa Romeo)