A Dictionary of German Dialects in Hungary:
On a dialect enclave dictionary in preparation
This paper discusses the antecedents, conception, and macro- and microstructure of Wörterbuch der ungarndeutschen Mundarten (WUM), a German dialect dictionary in preparation in the Research Centre of Germans in Hungary (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of German Studies). It presents the possibilities and criteria of constructing a corpus for the dictionary, the characteristics of the dialect data processed so far, as well as the organisation of the corpus and circumstances of its internet-based storage. The paper introduces four basic types of lemmas that follow from the character of the dialect data base of the dictionary, surveys its abstract microstructure, and presents actual pilot entries based on that microstructure.
Keywords: German dialects spoken in Hungary, dialect dictionary, macrostructure, microstructure, lemma types.
Knipf-Komlósi Erzsébet – Müller Márta
In this paper, the author investigates a rather involved phenomenon of Hungarian phonology, the issue of linking vowels making, in certain cases, the concatenation of stems and suffixes feasible. She explores the issue primarily from the point of view of teaching Hungarian as a second language. The backness of linking vowels is regulated by vowel harmony, but their height is a part-of-speechdependent property: adjectival stems are in general lowering stems, while unsuffixed verbal stems never are. For native speakers of other languages, it is most probably the suffixation of nouns (especially the production of accusative or plural forms) that presents difficulties, given that nouns being lowering or otherwise is an “arbitrary lexical feature” that cannot be unambiguously predicted either on the basis of their phonological make-up or on that of their semantic or other properties. The author comes to the conclusion that a formal approach to the suffixation of nouns is more felicitous than a cumbersome and lengthy explanation in terms of morphology or semantics: learners of Hungarian as a second language can access the grammatically correct form serving their communicative purposes more easily if they employ some formal features as a point of departure.
Keywords: linking vowels, backness harmony, roundness harmony, lowering stem, self-lowering suffix.
H. Varga Márta
Patrociny settlement names in Europe
The findings of an international research program
In 2010 we started an international research project which was aimed at presenting the situation and the special features of settlement names of patrociny origin in diverse language areas of Europe. Since this name type is characteristic of certain parts of Europe (in the German, Italian, French, Spanish speaking areas and in the Carpathian Basin) to the exclusion of others, I chose the participants of the project accordingly. The call was well received, 15 researchers from 10 countries indicated that they would like to participate in the project. The final outcome was that 11 studies were published in a volume entitled “Patrociny Settlement Names in Europe”. This paper presents the findings of the project, focusing mainly on the following issues: patrocinies and patrociny settlement names in Europe; circumstances of this name type formation; chronological features of the name type; onomato-geographical characteristics of patrociny settlement names; structural issues; changes of settlement names of patrociny origin.
Keywords: international project in onomastics, research on European settlement names, patrociny settlement names.
Tóth Valéria