Vol. XCVIII. September, 2002 No. 3.
Benkő, Loránd: On the history of the ethnonym székely in the Old Hungarian period — Abstract 357
Horváth, László: An etymological statistics of the Old Hungarian ‘Lamentations of Mary’ — Abstract 267
Rácz, János: Plant names in the period of the Hungarian Language Reform — Abstract 282
Pelczer, Katalin: Text typological interpretation of an archaic type of folk prayer — Abstract 294
Gecső, Tamás: The frontier zone of linguistics: science or scholarship? — Abstract 300
Szépe, Judit: Featural composition of segmental phonological units and sound substitutions by aphasic speakers — Abstract 305
Csernicskó, István: Indicative forms of t-final verbs as a universal variable? — Abstract 313
Szoboszlay-Kornya, Ágnes: Names in László Németh’s oeuvre — Abstract 321
· Minor Contributions. Fekete, Csaba: On the source of Psalm One in the Major Gradual 329
· Etymologies. Kávássy, Sándor: Etymologies of set phrases 335 — Kun, Péter: Some family names of Cumanian origin 336 — Péter, László: Elviszi a balhét ‘take the blame’ 342
· Spoken Hungarian. Okamoto, Mari: Attitudes of Hungarian-speaking secondary school pupils towards their own dialects and Standard Hungarian 342
· Reviews. Dezső, László: Remarks on Gábor Székely’s „Lexikai fokozás” [Lexical intensification] in terms of general and contrastive linguistics 355 — Hegedűs, Andrea: Szilágysági nyelvatlasz [A linguistic atlas of Szilágyság] 358 — Zimányi, Árpád: Adamikné Jászó Anna (ed.), A magyar olvasástanítás története [The history of teaching reading in Hungary] 360 — Bölcskei, Andrea: Hoffmann István (ed.), Onomastica Uralica. Selected bibliography of the onomastics of the Uralian languages 1a—1b 363
· Miscellanea. Kovács, Zsuzsa: The Kazinczy Codex and the Tihany Codex: two codices written by Frater F. 364
· Society News. Keresztes, László: Károly Rédei is 70 381