Vol. XCIX. December, 2003 No. 4.
On the periodisation of the history of Hungarian — Abstract 385 Doboka and other names — Abstract 393Forgács, Tamás: Processes of lexicalisation and grammaticalisation in phraseological units — Abstract 412
The linguistic image of hands in Hungarian — Abstract 427Sárosi, Zsófia: Historical sociopragmatics: a new approach to the study of the history of Hungarian — Abstract 434
Dömötör, Adrienne: Structural synonymy and formal variants — Abstract 448
· Minor Contributions. Fodor, István: Remarks on consonant quantity in Hungarian. 466 — Kristó, Gyula: On the quality of the first vowel in the ethnic name székely ‘Eastern Transylvanian Hungarian’ 468
· Etymologies. Mokány, Sándor: The role of emphasis in the emergence of some dialectal forms of kinship terms. 470 — Tóth, Szilárd: Additional data on the spread of lecsó ‘ratatouille’ in and outside Hungary 474
· Language Cultivation. Balázs, Géza: On the expansion of the meaning of turizmus ‘tourism’ 478
· Spoken Hungarian. Dóra, Zoltán: The obsolescence of neologisms from before the change of regime 481
· Reviews. D. Mátai, Mária: Sebestyén Árpád, A névutók állománya és rendszere a Jókai-kódexben (1372u.) [The stock and system of postpositions in the Jókai Codex (after 1372)]. 484 — Bencze, Lóránt: Palms, cypresses, and one-minute stories. 488 — Büky, László: Kemény Gábor, Bevezetés a nyelvi kép stilisztikájába [Introduction to the stylistics of linguistic figures]. 492 — Nemes, Magdolna: Új magyar tájszótár IV. (N–S) [New Hungarian Dialect Dictionary, Vol. 4 (N–S)] 496
· Miscellanea. Király, Péter: John Lotz in Budapest. 498 — H. Bottyánfy, Éva: Synonymy of motion verbs in early translations of the Bible. 502 — Balázs, Géza: New journals on applied linguistics. 505 — Posgay, Ildikó: The 4th International Congress of Dialectologists and Geolinguists 507
· Society News. Szalamin, Edit: József Juhász is 80. 508 — Kiss, Jenő: Greeting Mihály Hajdú on his 70th birthday 510
· Letters to the Editor. The Editor writes 512