Vol. CIV. June, 2008 No. 2.
É. Kiss, Katalin: Negation or agreement? The word order, meaning and prosody of pronouns of the type senki ‘nobody’, semmi ‘nothing — Abstract 129
Peredy, Márta: The aspectual role of obligatory adjuncts — Abstract 143
Maitz, Péter: On potentials and limits of sociolinguistic research on language shift — Abstract 154
Senga, Toru: The origin of the word bonze and what surrounds it in the history of Japanese 173
Slíz, Mariann: The effect of document-writing techniques on the emergence of surnames in the 14th century — Abstract 186
· Minor Contributions. Balázs, Géza: Secret languages – ethnolinguistic universals.197 – Kemény, Gábor: The motif of ‘man with a shield’ in Gyula Krúdy’s prose writings 203
· Etymologies. Mizser, Lajos: Sziget ‘the name of a former settlement’. 207 – Tóth, Péter: On the origin of the geographical name Técső 208
· Spoken Hungarian. Pintér, Tibor: Reflections on the augmentation of the Hungarian Corpus from the Carpathian Basin 211
· Historiography. A. Molnár, Ferenc: A letter to Gyula Illyés by Attila Szabó T., written in an obsolescent style. 218 – Sinor, Dénes: In memoriam László Országh 223
· Reviews. Heltai, Pál: Dokonkosi Ágnes – Lanstyák István – Posgay Ildikó eds., Műhelytanulmányok a nyelvművelésről [Papers on language cultivation]. 224 – Fábián, Zsuzsa: Forgács Tamás, Bevezetés a frazeológiába [Introduction to the study of collocations].233 – Zelliger, Erzsébet: Érszegi Géza ed., Tanulmányok a 950 éves Tihanyi Alapítólevél tiszteletére [Papers to commemorate the 950th anniversary of The deed of foundation of the Abbey of Tihany]. 237 – Kabán, Annamária: Balázs Géza, Szövegantropológia. Szövegek többirányú megközelítése [The anthropology of texts. A manifold approach] 239
· Miscellanea. †Kiss, Lajos: Etymologies of place names. 242 – Róna-Tas, András: A last farewell to Árpád Berta 246
· Society News. Balogh, Lajos: János Pesti is 70. 248 – Honti, László: Gábor Bereczki is 80. 250 – Call for papers 253
· Data from the History of Hungarian. N. Fodor, János: A census of Szabolcs county, written by a German-speaking scribe, from the first decades of the 15th century 254