Vol. 105. March, 2009 No. 1.
É. Kiss, Katalin: Noam Chomsky, 80, and the Chomskyan linguistic revolution — Abstract 1
Benkő Loránd: Árpád “de genere Turul” — Abstract 9
Szathmári, István: Was Gáspár Heltai the translator and/or adapter of the sixteenth-century romance on Fortunatus? — Abstract 30
Büky, László: Coherence in a poem by Sándor Weöres — Abstract 37
Imrényi, András: Generative linguistics and sociolinguistics — Abstract 50
· Minor Contributions. Szentgyörgyi, Rudolf: Terminological notes on bilingual geographical names in The deed of foundation of the Abbey of Tihany 62
· Spoken Hungarian. Hegedűs, Attila: A non-standard distribution of the allomorphs of the 2sg personal suffix 73
· Historiography. Kontra, Miklós: Socially useful linguistics 78
· Reviews. Kugler, Nóra: Ladányi Mária, Produktivitás és analógia a szóképzésben: elvek és esetek [Productivity and analogy in word formation: principles and case studies]. 85 – Szili, Katalin: Anna Wierzbicka, English (Meaning and Culture). 93 – Tóth, Ildikó: Bánréti Zoltán, A mellérendelés és az ellipszis nyelvtana a magyarban [The grammar of coordination and ellipsis in Hungarian] 99
· Miscellanea. Borbély, Anna: A brief report on the 15th Conference of Spoken Hungarian. 103 – Farkas, Tamás: A report on the 23rd International Congress of Onomastics. 105 – †Kiss, Lajos: Etymologies of place names 107
· Society News. Juhász, Dezső: The 104th general assembly of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. 114 – Pusztai, Ferenc: Ferenc Szilágyi is 80. 120 – Havas, Ferenc: Mihály Péter is 80 122
· Letters to the Editor. László Büky writes 126