
Vol. 106.               Juny, 2010               No. 2.

Bańczerowski, Janusz: The role of language in the construal of human reality Abstract 129

Kertész, András: Why should the linguist get out of bed in the morning? Or: Chomsky’s “revolutions” and the historiography of generative linguistics 145

Vörös, Ferenc: A preliminary sample from the Atlas of Hungarian Family Names 156

Farkas, Tamás: The borrowed family name Novák and the Hungarian stock of family names Abstract 169

B. Komári, Erzsébet: Morphological adaptation of Hungarian loanwords in Ruthenian   Abstract 182

· Minor Contributions. Kicsi Sándor, András: Some instances of enantiosemy in Hungarian 196

· Etymologies. Büky, László: Mosolog, mind a ragalla ‘smile faintly’. 198 – Mokány, Sándor: Dobva-fakadva ‘in an awful bate’ 201

· Historiography. Korompay, Klára: The series Early Hungarian Codices. New results and future perspectives. 203 – Szili, Katalin: The earliest Hungarian grammar written for Russian readers 207

· Reviews. Földi, Gábor: Rásonyi László – Baski Imre, Onomasticon Turcicum – Turkic Personal Names I–II. 212 – Zántó, Edina: Proceedings of the Sixth Hungarian Conference of Onomastics. 216 – Kiss, Magdaléna: Two books on place names from medieval Bihar County. 223 – P. Lakatos, Ilona: Kótyuk István, [Ukrainian loanwords in the local Hungarian dialect of Ung]. 227 – Szabó, József: Pesti János, Alsómocsoládi tájszótár [A dialect dictionary of the village of Alsómocsolád]. 234 – Gréczi-Zsoldos, Enikő: Kabán Annamária, A szövegvizsgálat útjain [Down the paths of text research] 242

· Miscellanea. Rab, Irén: The Year of the Hungarian Language in Göttingen 244

· Society News. Keszler, Borbála: László Elekfi is 80 246

· Data from the History of Hungarian. Mizser, Lajos: Ethnic names for Ruthenians in the 16–17th centuries. 249 – N. Fodor, János: Late Old Hungarian personal names from North-East Hungary 251

· Letters to the Editor. Ferenc A. Molnár writes. –Rudolf Szentgyörgyi writes 254