
Vol. 109.               Spring, 2013               No. 1


Nyomárkay, István – Honti, László – Pusztai, Ferenc: Greeting Jenő Kiss on his seventieth birthday Abstract 1

Szathmári, István: The foundation and early years of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics – and their message for us todayAbstract 8

Tolcsvai Nagy, Gábor: Planning, (self)interpretation, sustainment: possibilities and tasks of a Hungarian language strategy Abstract 14

Gécseg, Zsuzsanna: On the issue of the interaction of information structure and sentence structure Abstract 32

Holler, László: The date of the foundation and donation charter of the Greek Monastery of Veszprém and its other aspects Abstract 50

Szőke, Melinda: Eleventh-century interpolated documents as sources of the history of Hungarian Abstract 68

Etymologies. Büky, László: Zalámbolás ‘roaming’. 77 – Pesti, János: Are you beteg ‘ill’ if you are rebeteges ‘jittery’? 81

Spoken Hungarian. Molnár, Zoltán Miklós: On the phonology and morphology of geographical names in the Pápa district 82

Reviews. Andor, József: András Kertész – Csilla Rákosi, Data and evidence in linguistics. 89 – Bencze, Lóránt: Szathmári István ed., Alakzatlexikon. A retorikai és stilisztikai alakzatok kézikönyve [An encyclopaedia of rhetorical and stylistic figures]. 93 – Károly Krisztina: Adamik Tamás – A. Jászó Anna eds., Retorikai lexikon [An encyclopaedia of rhetoric]. 97 – Juhász, Dezső: Hegedűs Attila, A vonzatosság a magyar nyelvjárásokban [Argument structure in Hungarian dialects]. 100 – Kiss, Jenő: Maria Erb, Wenn das Fremde zum Eigenen wird. Korpusbasierte Untersuchungen zu den ungarischen Lehnwörtern der nachtürkischen deutschen Sprachinsel-mundarten von Ungarn bis 1945 105

Spoken Hungarian. Trunki, Péter: Present-day family names of Hungarians in Mol- davia on the threshold of Hungarian citizenship 107

Society News. Juhász, Dezső: The 107th general assembly of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics 116 – Kiss, Jenő: István Futaki: an obituary 121

Data from the History of Hungarian. Mizser, Lajos: Personal names from Bereg County, 1570 123

List of contributors