
Vol. 112.               Spring, 2016              No. 1


Andor, József: Moving towards a shift of paradigm? Traditions and recent developments in psycholinguistics Abstract 1

Juhász, Dezső: Periods of Hungarian historical dialectology Abstract 17

Senga, Toru: “Benedikt Bor”, Benedict and Bankó in Halych around 1210. Part One 32

Csernicskó, István: Accounting for changes in the linguistic landscape: The example of Transcarpathia Abstract 50

Borbély, Anna: Sustainable bilingualism  Abstract 63

Minor contributions. Hegedűs, Attila: Complex past tense constructions and their use in Late Old Hungarian 74

Etymologies. Horváth, László: Comments on the origin of ered ‚originate’ and its derivatives 80

Spoken Hungarian. Benő, Attila: Relative contact phenomena and sociological variables 83

History of linguistics. Ács, Péter – Manherz, Károly: On Scandinavian linguistics in Hungary 91

Reviews. Veszelszki, Ágnes: A magyar helyesírás szabályai [The rules of Hungarian orthography]. 100 – Major, Hajnalka: Anna Adamikné Jászó, Jókai és a retorika [Mór Jókai and rhetoric]. 107 – Szabó, Ágnes: Mária Gósy ed., Diszharmóniás jelenségek a beszédben [Disharmonic phenomena in speech]  110

Miscellanea. Korompay, Klára: Zsuzsanna Erdélyi (1921–2015) 113

Society News. Farkas, Tamás: A final farewell to Ferenc Ördög.115  – Kalcsó, Gyula: Ferenc Bíró is 70. 117 – Keszler, Borbála: Ede Hőnyi is 80 – 119

Data from the History of Hungarian. Rácz, János: Names of fruit-bearing palm trees 121

Letter to the Editor. György Dorogman writes. – János Pesti writes 126

List of contributors