
Vol. 113.               Spring, 2017              No. 1


Zoltán, András: Some chronological and geolinguistic problems of Slavic borrowings into Hungarian Abstract 1

Tolcsvai Nagy, Gábor: The metamorphosis of pasts: Modifications in the semantic and narrative grounding of the Hungarian past tenses after the 18th century Abstract 10

Kuna, Ágnes: Medical recipe as a genre in 16th–17th-century Hungarian: Genre in a functional cognitive framework. Part 2 Abstract 27

P. Kocsis, Réka: The typology of marginalia in Old Hungarian codices Abstract 42

Varga, Mónika: On the marking of concession during the Middle Hungarian period Abstract 59

Minor contributions. Kabán, Annamária: Figures of repetition in the construction of poetic texts. Jenő Dsida: A song about a missed confession 75

Etymologies. Kiss, Margit: The history of Hungarian gyaur ‘giaour’ and kaffer ‘kaffir’ 80

Historiography of linguistics. Bárdosi, Vilmos: “Je seme a tout vent”: Pierre Larousse (1817–1874) 87

Reviews. Bodó, Csanád: Magdolna Kovács – Petteri Laihonen – Hanna Snellman eds., Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today. 96 – Kontra, Miklós: Peter Trudgill, Dialect Matters: respecting vernacular language: Columns from the Eastern daily press. 100 – Slíz, Mariann: Anita Rácz, Etnonimák a régi magyar telepü-lésnevekben [Ethnonyms in early Hungarian placenames]. 107 – Bonyai, Gábor: Márta Müller: „Ein unermäßliches Land von Begriffen”. Dialektlexikographische Konzeptionen im Vergleich 110

Miscellanea. Nagy L., János: Ont he thirtieth ‘József Implom’ Hungarian Spelling Contest 112

Society News. Juhász, Dezső: The 112th General Assembly of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. 114 – Békési, Imre: János Nagy L. is 70 119

Data from the history of Hungarian. M. Nagy, Ilona– Bényei, Ágnes: Word historical data and commentaries from the Margaret Legend. Part 2 120

List of contributors