
Vol. 114.               Winter, 2018               No. 4


Németh, Miklós: A handbook on the history of the Hungarian language Abstract 385

Póczos, Rita: An onomastic study of linguistic remnants from St Stephen’s era: Early Hungarian place names and name continuity Abstract 392

Varga, Mónika: On the communicative context of witchcraft trials Abstract 411

Havasi, Zsuzsanna: Readers’ expectations and clashing linguistic data in an analysis of historical texts: Suggestions with respect to the use of Gricean maxims in a diachronic perspective Abstract 428

Senga, Toru: Beszermény and besermen: Hungarian and Slavic words for Mohammedans in the centuries of the Mongol invasion. Part 1 447

Minor contributions. Horváth, László: Marginal notes on an analysis in historical dialectology 460

Etymologies. Büky, László: Varancsica. The possible background of a hapax coined by Sándor Weöres. 463 – Kara, György: Emészt ‘digest’ and enyészik ‘vanish’ 467

Historiography of linguistics. Terbe, Erika: From the history of the publication of early Hungarian texts in the 19th century: Gábor Döbrentei and Early Hungarian Linguistic Records. 471 – Szabó, Panna: Hungarian results in linguistic geography of names 482

Reviews. Tolcsvai Nagy, Gábor: Tivadar Thass-Thienemann, A nyelv interpretációja: I. A nyelv szimbolikus jelentése [The interpretation of language I: The symbolic meaning of language]. 491 – Imreh, Réka: Eszter Ditrói, Helynévrendszerek modellalapú vizsgálata. A helynévminták összevető analízise statisztikai megközelítésben [A model-based study of systems of place names. A contrastive statistical analysis of patterns of place names]. 494 – Németh, Dániel: Mariann Slíz, Személynévvizsgálatok a középkori Magyarországról [Studies on personal names in medieval Hungary] 499

Miscellanea. Nyiri, Péter: The Museum of the Hungarian Language is ten years old 503

Contributors 512