Svindt, Veronika – Tátrai, Szilárd: What makes a good piece of irony? The role of sense of humor in producing and comprehending irony – Abstract 129
Nemesi, Attila László: Seeking the sine qua non of irony in theoretical pragmatics – Abstract 145
Babarczy, Anna – Szücs, Márta: The recognition of communicative components of irony and lying in ages 5 to 10 – Abstract 164
Senga, Toru: Beszermény and besermen: Hungarian and Slavic words for Mohammedans in the centuries of the Mongol invasion. Part 3 – Abstract 186
Minor contributions. Baksa, Péter: “A Dunának szőke habján” ‘the blond waves of the river Danube’. 200 – Péter, Mihály: Interjections and the dynamics of the linguistic system . 202
Etymologies. Horváth, László: On the origin of bagoly ‘owl’. 205 – Németh, Dániel: Once more on bagoly ‘owl’. 212 – Kicsi, Sándor András: Names of firearms from names of birds 219
Reviews. Pátrovics, Péter: Kai Witzlack-Makarevich Hrsg., Kalkierungs- und Entlehnungssprachen in der Slavia: Boris Unbegaun zum 120. Geburtstag. 221 – Ludányi, Brigitta: Katalin É. Kiss – Attila Hegedus – Lilla Pintér eds., Nyelvelmélet és dialektológia 4: A Károli-biblia nyelve [Linguistic theory and dialectology 4. The language of Károli’s translation of the Bible]. 227 – Balázs, Géza: Mariann Domokos – Judit Gulyás eds., The fairy tale collection of the Arany family. 233 – Hujber, Szabolcs: Pocket dictionaries of linguistics 237
Society news. Toldi, Éva: Mihály Ágoston is 90. 242 – Ladányi, Mária: Mihály Péter is 90. 244 – Zimányi, Árpád: Péter Fekete is 90. 248 – Csepregi, Márta: Tamás Janurik is 80. 251 – Horváth, Katalin: Balázs Wacha is 70 254
Contributors 256