MME / BirdLife Hungary

Hungarian Checklist and Rarety Committee 

List of Hungarian bird species 


News from the Wolrd Birdwatch


International Imperial Eagle Protection Group 


IVth International Conference

on the Protection of the Imperial Eagle

Budapest, 23-24. November, 1998

Organised by the MME / BirdLife Hungary


23. November 

10:30  Opening 
10:45   Welcome 

International reports: 
11:00  Russia 
11:30  Slovakia 
12:30  Lunch break 
13:30  Bulgaria 
14:30  Georgia 
15:30  Greece 
16:30  Romania 
17:30  Dinner 
18:30  Ukraine 
19:30  Yugoslavia 

24. November 

7:30  Breakfast 
8:30  Discussion, comments 

Hungarian regional reports 
  9:30  Bakony mountains 
10:00  Vértes mountains 
10:30  Gerecse mountains 
11:00  Börzsöny mountains 
11:30  Mátra and Bükk mountains 
12:30  Lunch break 
13:30  Aggtelek mountains 
14:00  Zemplén mountains 
14:30  Békés county 
15:00  Hortobágy 
15:30  Summary of the Hungarian results 
16:00  Actualisation of the BirdLife Action Plan 
17:30  Dinner 
18:30  Methodology questions and action coordination 
19:30  Decision on the place of the next conference 

25. November 

7:30-8:30 Breakfast, departure 

Place of the Conference: 
Csillebérc Youth Centre, Budapest, 12th district 
21. Konkoly Thege str. 

Conference fee: 
Registration:   1.800 HUF 
Accomodation:       2.310 HUF/day 
Breakfast:            215 HUF/day 
Lunch:                320 HUF/day 
Dinner:           280 HUF/day 

Send your registration to: 

János Bagyura 

MME / BirdLife Hungary 

    H-1121 Budapest, Költõ u. 21. 
    Tel/fax: +36-1-275-6267 or 275-6247 or +36-60-369-039

© 1998, Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület