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Read what SOLID Server users have to say about our product; here are some excerpts from the Web, from emails sent to us, and from Usenet news and other discussion forums..

Chris Tacy
in the April 1997 issue of "Off the Net" on Netscape's web site

"SOLID - Fantastic lightweight SQL database. JDBC- and ODBC-compliant, high-performance, small footprint, Web-literate, robust... yeah, it's got all the buzzwords you could ever want. Best of all, it's about 1/10 the price of the competition. Big win all around I'd say."

Chris Tacy, IDG Publications

Philip Greenspun
in the online edition of "Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing"

..."RDBMSes, though much more reliable than most user-written transaction processing code, are not nearly as reliable as a basic Unix system with a Web server pulling static files out a file system. Prepare to hire a half- or full-time database administrator. If you can't afford this, consider a zero-administration RDBMS such as Solid."...

Philip Greenspun

From: Bjorn-Kare Nilssen

..."A few quotes from their Technical description Help file:

>Installation of SOLID Server typically takes just a few minutes. No special skills >are needed, just a simple installation program and two or three diskettes.
Confirmed. Actually Solid needed less diskettes than Crystal Reports RT.

>SOLID Server runs continuously and automatically performs all administrative
>tasks such as backup and checkpoint creation. Naturally, SOLID Server
>recovers automatically from system failures.
Confirmed. (Have not needed to restore anything manually yet. And have not needed to do any adminstrative tasks either. It automatically backups at 1am, and at 3am that backup is saved to a streamer)

>The central memory and disk space requirements for SOLID Server are very
Confirmed. (Less than 2MB on my PC)."...

Bjorn-Kare Nilssen, SN Internett

From: Tim Matthews
Subject: SOLID Server evaluation

..."In my previous job I worked in a specialist verification company on major projects for Sybase, testing System 10 and 11 API's, and for Microsoft, testing SQL Server functionality. The administration involved with these systems had led me to believe that an RDBMS was unrealistic for a small company with no full time administrator. SOLID has changed my mind!"...

Tim Matthews

Bradley Willson
in Linux Journal's September 1997 issue

"Solid Server for Linux 2.2 is powerful, extensible and extremely capable of serving database requirements ranging from a simple desktop application to a corporation-wide business integration. The combination of Solid Server’s file handling capabilities, multiple platform availability and extensive communication protocol suite make Solid Server 2.2 an intelligent choice for a wide range of applications."

Bradley Willson

From: Brian DeSpain
Subject: SOLID Server used in a commercial database driven site

..."As one of the first commercial sites on the Internet, Hot Hot Hot needed to upgrade their database capabilities as well as the speed of their site. SOLID Server provides a tremendously robust solution in the web environment. Looking at the price/performance ratio, it was an easy choice for Brave New Worlds, LLC to choose SOLID Server.
Compared with the Microsoft SQL Server or other SQL solutions we have used, yours is by far one of the most robust we have tried."...

Brian DeSpain, Brave New Worlds, LLC

From: Scott Lehman
Subject: Great DB

..."I would like to tell you that you have the best RDBMS that I have ever seen. It is small, easy to install and learn, it really works right out of the box (try that with Oracle), and seems to have everything needed for a large robust mission critical RDBMS. Am I missing something or is SOLID really that good? Why aren't more companies using it? I can't say enough :-}
Again, I am VERY impressed with your product (very professional) and can you explain why I have this feeling that Solid is "too good to be true!"...

Scott Lehman, Lehman Consulting, Inc.

In the web/db Q&A Forum
Subject: Running AOLserver+Solid+Linux
Jussi Haro, Barry Robinson

Question: ..."The AOLserver+Solid combination on top of Linux sounds like a cheap and somewhat fast a package but before I commit myself to anything, I'm wondering if anyone is actually running a setup like this. If yes, how does it work?"..

Jussi Haro

Answer: ..."I'm running a P200 Linux server, running Solid and Apache/mod_perl and it flies."...

Barry Robison

From: Danny Heijl
Re:Best DB for large # of records

..."SOLID Server is even faster than Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5, as easy to administer, scales from desktop version at $99 on WFW 3.11/W95/WinNT to server versions on WinNT, AND most Unixes (including Linux). Has a strong presence in the IBM world. Has all features of SQL Anywhere except triggers, but adds database events via stored procedures. Looks perhaps less sophisticated, but is very capable (lean but mean). You can get a 30 day free evaluation version, that can be upgraded to a registered version for $99. ( Recommended.
Both should be better than Paradox or Dbase for an industrial strength application: you get transaction management (rollback and commit), crash recovery (logfiles, checkpoints, and rollforward of logfiles are automatic). SOLID even allows scheduled online backups of the database while the user continues to work."...

Danny Heijl, CEVI

From: Rob Wehrli
Subject: LJ article on Solid

..."I have seen many different products. It is rare that a particular vendor has impressed me from the outset as much as Solid, but the product WILL speak for itself."...

Rob Wehrli

From:Jeff Lewis
Subject: Inexpensive/free database recommendations?

..."We've been using Solid on Linux for our internal systems and have been very happy with the results thus far: easy setup, maintenance; full sql92 and odbc compliance; plenty of prog. interface choices, incl. Solid-built type4 jdbc driver; great low price for such a full-featured db."...

Jeff Lewis, Burly Open Technologies, LLC

From: Douglas Kelly
Re: SQL server

..."My suggestion is to check out Solid ( They are currently offering their desktop server product for free on Linux (limited to only 2 local connections). The full desktop server is only $99, although I don't know what the connection/license restrictions are.
In my experience so far, this is easily the best dbms I've hit for linux so far. (though I haven't tried some important ones like postgres, adabas, ...). It supports isolated transactions, views, checkpoints, a bulk loader, stored procedures, and other commercial-grade features, and so far appears pretty stable."...
..."I'm really surprised this hasn't generated a bit more activity on the net - this is a great little product, and even at $99 it's an outright steal - for free you simply can't argue."...

Douglas Kelly, Tanning Technology Corp.

From: Mr Bjorn Borud

..."I am familiar with mSQL and I have used mSQL 1.0.16 for applications where light database usage has been involved. however the subset of SQL implemented in both 1.0.16 and the 2.0 betas of mSQL is a far cry from that of SOLID, which even sports a procedural language, sequences, ODBC and of course a more complete set of SQL commands.
Check out"...

Bjorn Borud, University of Trondheim

From: Atif Ahmad Khan

..."I have been using SOLID for a while and think that its the best thing available on Linux right now. Checkout their homepage at
They are also giving away a 2-user version of SOLID Server for LINUX for free."...

Atif Ahmad Khan, Mississippi State University

From: Bowen Dwelle

..."Thanks very much. I downloaded and installed the stuff within an hour or so. I am _VERY_ impressed with your packaging, installation, documentation, quality, etc..."...

Bowen Dwelle, HotWired

From: Geoff Whitney

..."In comparison to Oracle, there was virtually no tuning or maintenance required to keep the SOLID Server database running reliably. Oracle, on the other hand, required numerous support calls and several visits from an Oracle guru to get working properly."...

Geoff Whitney, Compuware

From: Jim Holsen

..."So far I am still impressed with SOLID's speed, and efficiency. We have tried DB3, PERSONAL ORACLE (what a disaster) and now SOLID. SOLID looks to be the database of choice for our needs. Working for a software development company I understand you too seldom hear good things, but you're looking good from here."...

Jim Holsen, Metrix

From: Jim Studt

..."We're quite happy with the SOLID single user version. SOLID has been much more reliable than Informix and as reliable as Oracle with much less management required for SOLID. I'd give you benchmark results, but of course my Oracle license forbids it."...

Jim Studt, The Federated Software Group, Inc.

Your Comments are Wanted!

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