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Release Notes

Version: 2.3
Last update: 1998-04-23

New Features

SOLID JDBC Driver 2.3 contains the following new features / corrected problems when compared to version 1.1:

  • RowsPerMessage

The number of data rows fetched to JDBC client in one network message is introduced as a configuration parameter in file solid.ini. For example:
RowsPerMessage = 30
If this parameter has not been explicitly specified, the default value of 10 rows transferred in one network message is in effect. This setting is naturally overridden by the network message buffer size parameter, which constitutes a definite upper limit for the length of a single network message.

  • Avoided Rare Deadlock Problem in PreparedStatement.execute()

A very rare deadlock case when repeatedly calling PreparedStatement.execute after a call to  PreparedStatement.set with BLOb parameter has been fixed.


Known Problems

  • Positioned Deletes and Updates May Rarely Fail

    When positioned update and delete are heavily used with SOLID JDBC Driver 2.3, due to a transient driver threads timing problem, these operations may occasionally fail  with the following kind of error messages:

    [SOLID JDBC 2.3] SOLID Table Error 13025: Update through a cursor with no current row
    [SOLID JDBC 2.3] SOLID SQL Error 53: function call sequence error

    There are two possible workarounds for the problem:

    1) Turn off the RowsPerMessage functionality. Please set the RowsPerMessage parameter value to 1 in solid.ini  [Srv] section. This makes the problem even more infrequent, if it doesn't totally prevent it.

    2) If this problem occurs, the transaction should be rolled back and retried. The next time the update or delete will succeed.

Standards Support

SOLID JDBC Driver is based on JDBC version 1.2, which is a standard part of Java language and included in JavaSoft's JDK 1.1.

SOLID JDBC Driver supports all SOLID Server features. SOLID Server is an ANSI SQL standards compliant database, as documented in the SOLID Server Technical Info sheet.

SOLID Server specific notes on JDBC implementation are documented in SOLID JDBC Driver Classes and Methods and JDBC Type Conversion Matrix.

SOLID JDBC Driver has been certified by JavaSoft to be 100% Pure Java.

SOLID Server Support

SOLID JDBC Driver 2.3 requires SOLID Server 2.3.
View the platforms availability of SOLID Server 2.3.
The only supported communication protocol is tcp/ip.

Tested Java Environments

All Java environments are intended to be standard, and software developed in one environment should be runnable in any environment. Due to rapid progress of Java technology this may not always be the case, and some problems may occur when running SOLID JDBC Driver on a platform it is not tested on.

SOLID JDBC Driver has been tested together with the following Java development and runtime environments:

  • JavaSoft JDK 1.1.1, 1.1.3 & 1.1.4 on Solaris, Linux and NT
  • Symantec Visual Café 1.1 on Windows 95 and NT
  • Kawa 2.5 on Windows 95
  • Dynamo DKK on Linux and NT
  • Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 on NT
  • Borland JBuilder 1.0 on NT

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