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SOLID Web Engine 2.3

SOLID Web Engine is the true plug-and-play database server for web applications. It is extremely easy to set up and has a small footprint. Its maintenance is care-free, requiring little or no administration.

More Power in Every Byte

SOLID Web Engine offers high performance within SQL standards. It is fully scalable from small notepads to heavy-weight multiprocessing environments. It provides the features you would expect to find in an industrial-strength database server. Multi-threaded architecture, stored procedures, row level transaction management - you name it.

Cost-effective Distribution

SOLID Web Engine is compact, just about 2 MB to download. It can be deployed easily through the Internet. Installation typically takes just a few minutes, and no special skills are needed. It is perfectly suited to be distributed in countless copies.

SOLID Web Engine is available on all major platforms with identical interfaces, and database files are binary compatible across the board. Start out on any platform. Grow your system, migrate your system. SOLID Web Engine doesn't let you down.

Ease of Use

Installation and hardware costs are here today and gone tomorrow - but administration costs are with you forever. SOLID Web Engine is a care-free component, making it time-saving and money-saving in the long run. SOLID Web Engine runs continuously and automatically performs all administrative tasks such as backup and checkpoint creation. Naturally, SOLID Web Engine recovers automatically from system failures.


SOLID Web Engine is available on several platforms,
including Windows NT, Linux, and other Unix platforms.

Using common standards and architectures, SOLID Web Engine can easily be integrated with web solutions from a variety of vendors. Free evaluation packs and the most current information on third party tool integration is available on this web site.

*Developing Web Applications with SOLID Web Engine
*Web Engine Technical Information sums up technical facts
*Third Party Tools for Web application development
* SOLID Pricing and Licensing - list prices and licensing examples


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