February 12, 1998


MikroPC magazine recently tested SQL databases to determine the best product that runs on a PC. SOLID Server was the test winner! The most important advantages of SOLID Server were its minimal disk space/resource requirements, robustness, scalability, ease of integration, and low price.

Other products tested were CA-OpenIngres 1.2 & 2.0, .DB2 Universal Database 5.0, InterBase 5, Personal Oracle 7.3 & 8, SQL Anywhere 5.5, SQL Base 6.1.2, and MS-SQL Workstation 6.5.

Amazingly Small Resource Requirements

In his article in MikroPC’s February issue, Matti P. Pulkkinen concludes that SOLID Server is ideally suited for PCs since it demands minimal resources
(1 MB of RAM and 2 MB of disk space) without compromising performance. "On the other hand," the article continues, "SOLID Server is equally well suited for heavy-weight multiprocessing environments." SOLID Server is further praised for the optimal portability of applications, easy integration with development tools, the ease of writing procedures, and its inexpensive license prices.


  • single-user SOLID Desktop 99 USD per copy
  • multi-user SOLID Server 199 USD per user

Download a free 30-day evaluation pack now at http://www.solidtech.com/market/eval/index.htm

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