Subjects of interest:The conference program can be summarized by the following:Arcas of application:
- High Level System Definition Languages such as Delta, HLA, UML and others
- Object oriented simulation models
- Nested and branched hierarchical modeling systems
- Model Oriented Programming Languages
- Legal systems, Legal contracts and other forms of formal agreements
- Organizational systems Information systems
- Distribution and transportation
- Biological, ecological and other natural systems
- Especially welcome are presentations dealing with models in the area of neurophysiology.
Monday, August 23rd: | Arrival and registration, informal evening get-together. |
Tuesday to Thursday, August 24th to 26th: | Presentation of papers, discussions and demonstrations. |
Friday, August 27th: | The conference excursion. |
András Gáspár, Simula Foundation Hungary, Budapest, HungaryThe ASU is a professional organization concerned with computerized modeling of complex systems as well as the design of computer software using the Object Oriented Programming paradigm. The ASU started in 1974 as a Users Group for the SIMULA programming language. The SIMULA Standard appeared in 1967, introducing the worlds first object oriented programming language. This was preceded by several years of development work at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo. The current modern SIMULA systems provide the user with powerful and stable application programming tools for basic as well as advanced computerized modeling work. With the exception of the Beta programming language, other broadly used OOP-languages are conceptual subsets of the SIMULA language. Over the years, the ASU expanded its field of interests to encompass software aids and methodologies for structuring and programming complex system models. The ASU organizes an annual conference and edits a regular Newsletter as a forum for SIMULA users as well as users of other OOP-languages. The ASU supports developments and events in the various fields of Object Orientation and especially developments in Model Oriented Programming.
Professor Ole-Johan Dahl, Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Evzen Kindler, Charles University, Dept. of Physics and Mathematics, Prague, Czech Republic
Professor Alain Tanguy, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Dr. Broder Breckling, Ecology Center, Kiel, Germany
Dr. Gorry Fairhurst, Dept. of Engineering, Kings College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Henry Islo, ASU Secretariat, Kista, Sweden
To be held on August 25 at Hotel Uni, Balatonfüred on Lake Balaton, Hungary.
which are to be discussed and voted on at the AGM, must be submitted to
the ASU Secretariat not later
than May 18, 1999.