... the Founder declares his decision to set up for an unlimited time the SIMULA Foundation (in furthermore the Foundation)The Hungarian name of the Foundation is "SIMULA Alapítvány".
according to the paragraph 74/A of the Act 1959/IV on the Civil Code with the conditions below ...
The official English name is "SIMULA Foundation, Hungary".The residence of the Foundation:
The fantasy-name "SIMULA" consists of black, capital letters.
Kertész u. 33. I. em. 4.The account number of the Foundation
Budapest, Hungary
11707024--20395762, OTP Budapest, VII. Király u. 49.
There is a great number of the publications in English and partly in Hungarian reporting the research/application results in connection with the programming language SIMULA. Scientific conferences have been organised by the Association of SIMULA Users, Oslo (in Hungarian SIMULA Felhasználók Nemzetközi Társasága) year by year.
The aim of the SIMULA Foundation is to provide a legal-frame and a financial-background for the SIMULA-activities in Hungary and to support with an institutional frame the improvement of the SIMULA-related international scientific relationships.
The SIMULA Foundation is to realize a permanent interest of the society
It has no political activities
and supporting such activities is not allowed for that. It is forbidden
for that to receive supports from the parties or to propose/support candidates
of Parliamentary representation.
To determine
the current research subjects is the task of the Board
However, the topics below proposed by the Founder for the Board of the Foundation, as actual SIMULA-related researches at the funding-time:
The amount of 50.000 HUF will be granted as a bank-deposit by the Founder in order to guarantee the minimal operabilities of the Foundation during the set up time.
The legal status of the Foundation is "opened". The "opened" status allows of anybody - either of private/legal persons or of organisations without any legal personalities - to join with a grant - i.e. with funds, donations and property-disposals - to the Foundation. Receptions of the grants should be decided by the Board.
Joining persons cannot become Founders by the fact of joining.
A grant can be dependent on a former declaration given by the Board:
Research/education reports
should be written how the grant will be spent. In the case of a declaration-dependent
grant the Board should make a decision on the declaration at first and
the reception of the grant can be decided later.
The Board of
the Foundation
The trustee of the properties of the Foundation and the highest level decision maker is the Board.
The five members of the Board are as follows:
Chairman: Mr. István GehérFurther members:
Secretary: Mr. András Gáspár
Mr. Péter CsákiThe commission of the members of the Board is for an unlimited time and honorarium can be given to them.
Mr. László Székely
Mr. dr. Zsigmond Papp
The task of the Board is
to guarantee the operability of the Foundation and to decide what to do
with the properties of the Foundation according to the Bylaws.
The basic information
about the Board members (given by the Secretary of the Board)
Mr. István Gehér (President of the Board)
He is a mathematician, presently on pension. His last working place was the Computer and Automation Institute (CAI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). He used to be a leader of the Software-Department at the old-timer American computer CDC 3300. One of his favourite research topics used to be the programming languages especially the SIMULA-language.Mr. András Gáspár (Secretary of the Board)
I am a mathematician. I also worked for the CAI of HAS and later for the Institute for Science Management and Informatics of the Ministry of Culture and Education. For some years I used to be a researcher of the Technical University, Budapest and of the University "Eötvös Loránd" as well. I am a personal member of the SIMULA Development Group (SDG, Oslo). I am interested in the SIMULA--DELTA--BETA paradigm, in the SIMULA-applications, in the system description and in the philosophy of the modelling sciences.Mr. Peter Csáki (member of the Board)
He is presently on pension. His last working place was the CAI of the HAS where he worked for a long time for the Group of Biomathematics. He used to be interested in the SIMULA-applications e.g. modelling the lake Balaton. Presently his field is the Object-Orientation in general (OO), the OO-Programming (OOP), the OO-Analysis (OOA), etc.dr. Zsigmond Papp (member of the Board)
He is a lawyer working as a teacher of the High School for the Public Administration and of the Technical High School "Ybl Miklós". Some mathematical seminars were visited by him at the time when he used to be a law-student and presently he is an invited guest of the Hungarian radio-programme "Collection of Laws".Mr. László Székely (member of the Board)
He was graduated as a program-designer mathematician at the University "József Attila", in Szeged and as a philosopher at the University "Eötvös Loránd". His Ph.D.-like scientific degree is from "the Philosophical Sciences". He works in the Institute of Philosophy of the HAS. His special subjects are the philosophy of sciences and philosophical-metaphysical problem of modern physics especially that of relativity theory and modern physical cosmology. He studied the SIMULA language as a student.