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We are recommending
to combine your participation in
the Symmetry Festival
with the attendance of its
partner event, the
Bridges Conference 2013
to be held in Enschede,
The Netherlands,
27-31 July, 2013

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Delft, The Netherlands

Let's discover (dis)symmetries of the heartwarming city of Delft together in

2-7 August, 2013


How to find?
Featured programs
Featured topics
Organizing Committee and Program Committee
Keynote speakers
Symposia/Scientific sessions/Workshops
Art program series
Community programs
Social events
Call for submissions
Form of submissions

The Symmetry Festival is an event series organised by the Symmetrion

under the auspices of the International Symmetry Association (ISA)

under the patronage of the UNESCO

The Symmetry Festival 2013 is hosted by the



The Symmetry Festival is a science and art program series,
the most important periodic event to bring together scientists, artists, educators and practitioners interested in symmetry (its roots, what is behind, applications, etc.), or in the consequences of its lack.

Featured programs

(1) Symmetry and Water Day
(Inanimate – Organic – Artificial)
Programs on water and climate
dedicated to

the UN International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013, led by UNESCO.
Keynote speaker: G. Pollack (University of Washington, Seattle)
View G. Pollack's plenary lecture on the theme at the previous Symmetry Festival !
Watch children's art exhibition "Sealife" in the Jardin Gallery by D. and J. Hiigli !
downoadable program of the Jardin Gallery

Water – Life – Construction - Climate

(2) 4 days dedicted to specific aspects of symmetry in
science and arts, techology and design, mathematics and humanities,
and whatever else you propose and deserves the interest of other attendees,
all aspects of symmetry in any discipline and art.
Program to be specified later
See Call for Papers and Workshop proposals below!
Multidisciplinary approach is appreciated.
Keynote speakers: ...

Symmetry/Asymmetry – Harmony/Disharmony –
Links between science-art-technology – Construction – Interpretation and Representation

(3) Family day
this day includes the community programs (see below)

(4) Excursion day
Museum visits, etc. ... (August 4)

(5) Exhibitions, performances
Every day (August 2-7)


Character of the event: Festival
this means, an organic combination of
a multidisciplinary scientific program in science-arts-technology
various cultural events


The Organising Committee and the Program Committee
are the Boards of the International Symmetry Association (ISA)

Chairman of the Symmetry Festival 2013: György Darvas, Symmetrion, Budapest, Hungary

Curator of the art programs: Zsuzsa Dárdai, art critic
Image and catalogue design: János Saxon-Szász

Organiser of the community programs: Kristóf Fenyvesi,
University of Jyväsklylä, Department of Art and Culture Studies, Finland

András Szöllősi-Nagy, rector, UNESCO-IHE



Scientific conference, workshops: Symmetry 2013
Performances: Music, Movement, Multimedia, Theatre
Community programs
General Assembly of the ISA
Social events

keynote and plenary sessions with invited speakers, 5 days, 3-4 lectures per morning
parallel sessions and practical (creative) workshops
arts/cultural events like exhibition vernissage(es), concert(s) or recitation, movement performance(s), movie projections
Community programs - an afternoon and night:
open for the public of the city and visitors of Delft
Excurcion day:
visit of a permanent museum/collection of geometric art

Arrival day: ........ 1 August
Departure day: ... 8 August

Keynote speakers: (to be announced as soon as confirmed)


Conference: Symmetry 2013
morning plenary lectures and afternoon parallel sessions, symposia and workshops with an interdisiplinary approach

Symposia/scientific sessions/workshops:
- Structural Morphology (P. Huybers, J. Coenders, A. Borgart)
- Symmetry and chirality in chemistry and physics (M. Petitjean, V. Borovkov)
- Symmetries of the genetic code (S. Petoukhov, M. He)
- Crystallographic symmetries in materials and arts (...)
- Tessellation and tiling in the mathematics, sciences and arts (...)
- Polyhedral symmetries (...)
- Symmetries in Geometric Theories of Physics (Mauro Francaviglia and Lorenzo Fatibene)
- Symmetry in philosophy (from Nietzsche to Popper) (K. Fenyvesi)
- Symmetry in children’s artistic creativity (J. Hiigli)
- Symmetries in music (A. Sokolov, A. Koblyakov, and ...)
- Kantian or Hegelian approach to symmetries of nature (K. Fenyvesi)
- Symmetry in contemporary literature (T. Bonch-Osmolovskaya)
- Symmetry in semiotics (K. Schwarzfischer)
- Geometric arts in the 20-21. centuries (heritage of the suprematic idea) (...)
- Symmetry of Chinese Arts, Culture, and Science (scAcs) (M. He, and ...)
- Origami - paper folding - 3D modelling (...)
- Spidron and sphidron geometry (...)
- Symmetries in different non-Euclidean geometries (...)
- Special symmetries at nanoscales
- Tiling and tessellation (...)
- The Experience workshop movement introduces (K. Fenyvesi)
- .......
- .......

In case, you want to submit your contribution in a specific symposium, session or workshop, please, write your intention, proposal, then submit your Extended Abstract to one of the organisers listed above.


Main art programmes: fine art exhibition(s), exhibition of models and teaching aids, concert(s), movement and multimedia performances (more to be announced as soon as confirmed)

- suprematism100 - its influence on the west; fine art exhibition (curators: Zs. Dárdai and J. Saxon-Szász)
- Mondrian Variations - multimedia performance with live music (S. Valyi and E. Polgar)
- Gameplay - live movement and video performance (K. Dance Co.)
- Hommage á John Cage (suprematism in music in the west); performance (E. Pimenta)
- "Victory over the Sun" after hundred years (provisional title); multimedia performance with live constructivist music, dance, light effects and projection (Koleychuk Total Theatre)
- ...


Community programs: (to be announced as soon as specified)
- Creative workshops, playing with symmetries, Dutch cheese cutting, tiling by regular cheese slices, make your cheese spidrons!, fold your own paper polyhedra!, shape your Dutch beer’s foam!, try to drink it from your hand-made Klein bottle!, and other surprises ...
- Symmetry in ethnic dances (in the market place of Delft) (music: ....... )
- Symmetric DJ night for young (and less young) scholars and artists: (....... )
Symmetry in jazz? Yes!
Dissymmetry in rock? Come on!
Asymmetric salsa steps? Let's have a go, of course!
Antisymmetric dance partners, where? At the SymFest, Delft.
- Why do I hate symmetry? Discuss it at open air with live artists!
Perhaps, do you like it? Great! Then, visit their exhibition and applouse!
- ZomeTool for biological modelling – DNA, RNA, Amino acids, Peptids, Virus structures (for educational purposes) – ...


Social events: (like. e.g.,) welcome party with cheese and beer; banquet (optional, not included); vernissage(s); excursion (optional); symmetric DJ night - for young and less young scholars and artists - and ethnic dance programs; programs for accompanying persons (all to be announced as soon as specified).


Call for papers and for workshop organisation

  • Please, submit your paper proposal as soon as you have a good idea to contribute to the theme of the Festival (any form of symmetry, dissymmetry, antisymmetry, asymmetry, invariance, symmetry breaking, harmony, proportion, golden section, groups and their geometric and algebraic representation, etc., ....) with a report on fresh results or review the latest developments in your field(s) of interest. Interdisciplinary approaches are appreciated. Please, consider in designing your presentation the variety of backgrounds of the expected audience. The main aim of the Festival is to exchange methods, approaches and ideas between the representatives of the various disciplines. Note, symmetry is a common language for all of us gathering in Delft in early August. Papers encouraging discussion are preferred. Presentation of papers is not the final aim of your participation, it is only an initiating phase to continue discussion at a coffee, tea, beer or wine, in the exhibition area, during the social events. The organisers will be most satisfied by follow-up co-opeartions initiated by the intellectual contributions to the Symmetry Festival.

  • Please, invite your interested colleagues in your institution, in your geographic region, in your thematically close scientific community all over the world. We will be pleased if you can invite people in the company of whom you and we will feel ourselves in a more comfortable intellectual atmosphere.
    We would like to rejuvenate the symmetry movement. Please, invite your students! Special discount registration rates will be offered for students. Note, the future of our present efforts depends on how much can we forward them. Do not forget, we can also learn from their fresh ideas, new approaches.

  • Organise your own workshop! Invite 5-12 colleagues to discuss a specific topic related to the application of symmetry (or just its absence, distortion, breaking, ...) in your field of interest.

  • Any further idea to enrich the program of the Festival is welcome.
Featured topics:

Asymmetries of water –
Asymmetries of climate change and water resources (causes and consequences) –
100 years of suprematism –
Symmetry in design –
In memoriam Arthur L. Loeb, born in Amsterdam, 90 years ago, July 13, 1923 –
Panel discussion on the state of the art of symmetry studies


Accompanying persons are welcome!


Extended abstracts (max 4 p.) style-sheet  March 4
Notification on acceptance April 30
 Final papers style-sheet  May 24
 Early bird registration by  July 1


Submissions: max 4 page abstracts of papers and exhibition items, at the registration;
then: full papers of accepted lectures and catalogue items by invited artists. Format of submission, look style sheet.

Publications: program leaflet, abstract volume, catalogue(s),
proceedings in special issues of the journal Symmetry: Culture and Science.



 Early bird registration  Eur 325
 Students  Eur 180
 Accompanying persons  Eur 100
 Late registration (after July 1)  Eur 360

The registration fee includes:
- festival kit, badge
- free attendance of all art and community programs
- free attendance of all lectures and workshops
- coffee breaks
- exhibition catalogue
- conference proceedings


How to find: UNESCO-IHE is situated in the heart of the probably most marvelous, lovely old town of The Netherlands. Delft is an artistic, cultural and scientific centre since the middle ages. Airports, trains, highways are nearby. Cozy panzions and modern hotels, as well as many well-pleasing restaurants, cafees, historic places can be found in few minutes walking reach. Most frequented Dutch cities can be reached both by frequent trains, trams, buses, and by car within half hour.
UNESCO-IHE - Living in Delft


Accommodation: (information will be published later)


Logo design: Tamás F. Farkas, website design:Tamás F. Farkas and Viktor Kelemen
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