atomizer-onion-still-life [ internetish conveniences #4 ]


the handy pocket sized package offers 100% pure home squeezed juice for a camouflage smell! Refill is easy and there is no need to return here to get there!

Follow the steps below!

1. Take an onion, peel it and put it in a juicer or just blend it with a stick blender.
2. Put the pulp through a sieve and let the liquid sit for an hour. 3. When it separates pour the clear juice off and leave the sediment behind.
4. Use a funnel to guide it into your at0mizeR!
5. Keep refrigerated!

You are comfy with the gig but you want the camouflage only when you want it? Order a set of 10 at0mizeRs in a handy box! Contact: iheartmyart [ at ] browserbased [ dot ] com


