







Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dunja Blažević
East Side Story; Local / Global
Received on 2003-01-02
- Dunja Blažević
Meeting Point
Received on 2003-06-29
- Nermina Kurspahić
Art in spite of Everything
Received on 2003-06-29
- Iara Boubnova
In the Local Discourse, as in the International Context
Received on 2003-07-15
- Iara Boubnova
Post...”- What? Neo... - How? For Whom, Where and When?
Received on 2003-07-20
- Iara Boubnova
Freedom, Brother, is an Approximate Thing
Received on 2003-07-20
- Iara Boubnova
“Sofia, Palm Trees are Your Chestnut Trees…”
Received on 2003-07-20
Croatia (Hrvatska)
- Berislav Valušek
Art "For" and "Against". Activist Art in Yugoslavia of the Eighties - Democratic and Totalitarian Options
Received on 2003-07-27
- Davor Matičević
Identity Despite Discontinuity
Received on 2003-06-30
- Janka Vukmir
Reflection of the City
Received on 2003-07-29
- Marijan Susovski
Crossroads in Central European Art and Art Criticism and Possibilities for Co-operation
Received on 2003-07-27
Czech Republic
- ?
Art Tries to Find its Place
Received on 2003-07-15
- Igor Zhoř
Young Prague Artists
Received on 2003-07-15
- Jiří Ševčík, Jana Ševčíková
Painting of the 1980’s in the Czech Lands
Received on 2003-07-15
- Ludvík Hlaváček
Three Czech Postmodern Artists
Received on 2003-07-15
- Anders Härm
Ene-Liis Semper's New Video Works
Received on 2003-01-03
- Anders Härm
Self-portrait as an Estonian Artist Self-image in Media Art
Received on 2003-01-03
- Ants Juske
Subjective Maps and Artistic Cartography
Received on 2003-01-03
- Ants Juske
Is Stalinist and Nazi Art Postmodernism?
Received on 2003-07-29
- Heie Treier
The Sublime in Business
Received on 2003-07-29
- Johannes Saar
Kaljo Põllu
Received on 2003-07-29
- Peeter Linnap
Change of Simulation Strategies in Estonian Art
Received on 2003-07-29
- Sirje Helme
Virtual Histories of Estonian Art
Received on 2003-01-03
- Sirje Helme
Avantgarde in Estonia
Received on 2003-07-29
- István Hajdu
Shameless Attempt at Explanation II. (1990-1998)
Received on 2003-09-08
- Lajos Németh
Introduction to Contemporary Hungarian Art
Received on 2003-09-08
- Miklós Peternák
Who Is (Was) the victim, Who Is (Was) the Culprit and What Happened? (Hungarian Art in the Eighities)
Received on 2003-09-08
- Valeria Ibraeva
100 Years of Solitude: Cultural Decolonization and its Artistic Forms
Received on 2003-01-02
- Helèna Demakova
Apple Harvest or Art in Latvia 1945 -1995 between personal and ideological time.
Received on 2003-07-15
- Solvita Krese
Art as a Threat
Received on 2003-07-15
- Alfonsas Andriuškevičius
Destiny of Two Myths
Received on 2003-07-07
- Kæstutis Kuizinas
Implications of Context (In Lithuanian Contemporary Art)
Received on 2003-02-28
- Lolita Jablonskiene
New Modern Art in Lithuania
Received on 2003-07-07
- Raminta Jurenaite
Between Compromise and Innovation
Received on 2003-07-07
- Rasa Andriušyte
Art Groups — the Novelty of the Organizational Art Life
Received on 2003-02-20
- Liljana Nedelkovska
9 1/2: New Macedonian Art
Received on 2003-07-07
- Nebojša Vilić
On "Art with Relation" at "The End of the Century". The Macedonian Situation 1985 - 1997.
Received on 2003-07-15
- Sonja Abadzieva
Six Macedonian Artists
Received on 2003-07-15
- Suzana Milevska
Cynderella Syndrome and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome
Received on 2003-02-28
- Suzana Milevska
Story With Many Beginnings
Received on 2003-07-09
- Valentino Dimitrovski
Aspects of the Current Artistic
Received on 2003-07-07
- Leo Gherasim
Short Treaty on Wear
Received on 2003-01-03
- Octavian G. Esanu
Last Ten Years
Received on 2003-01-03
- Octavian G. Esanu
Received on 2003-01-03
- Vladimir Bulat
Historia Culpa?
Received on 2003-01-03
- Vladimir Bulat
No Radicalism
Received on 2003-01-03
- Ryszard W. Kluszczynski
Four Chapters from the History of the Polish Avant-garde Film
Received on 2003-01-03
- Ryszard W. Kluszczynski
The Past and Present of (Multi)Media Art in Central and Eastern European Countries - An Outline
Received on 2003-01-03
- Ryszard W. Kluszczynski
New Poland - New Video (Some reflections on Polish video art since 1989)
Received on 2003-01-04
- Alexandra Titu
Experimentalism in Romanian Art after 1960
Received on 2003-01-29
- Calin Dan
The Aesthetics of Poverty
Received on 2003-01-04
- Judit Angel
Romania - Exhibition Practice in the 90's
Received on 2003-01-29
- Magda Carneci
The 80's
Received on 2003-01-29
- Ruxandra Balaci
Photography - a proposed Chronology of an Experimental Epoch
Received on 2003-01-29
- G. Elshevskaya
On the Actual Criticism of Actual Art
Received on 2003-01-29
- Leonid Bazhanov, Irina Gorlova
Intersection in Tallin (March 1–22, 2002)
Received on 2003-01-29
- Viktor Misiano
Fatal Strategies
Received on 2003-01-29
- Vladimir Perts, Andrey Fomenko
Received on 2003-07-20
- Yekaterina Degot
Terrorist Naturalism: Art in an Illegitimate Zone
Received on 2003-01-29
- Yekaterina Degot
Contemporary Moscow Art: Restoration of the Artist's Body
Received on 2003-01-29
- Yekaterina Degot
Theatre of Envy: Commentary to “Terrorist Naturalism”
Received on 2003-01-29
- Yekaterina Degot
A Deep Hole as the Place for Contemporary Art
Received on 2003-02-20
Slovak Republic
- Jana Geržová
Historical Perspective on Visual Art from 1960's to 1990's
Received on 2003-02-28
- Katarina Rusnakova
Between Man and Woman
Received on 2003-02-20
- Mária Orišková
Fragments - Slovak Art of the Nineties
Received on 2003-02-20
- Radislav Matuštík
Received on 2003-02-20
- Zuzana Bartošová
Contemporary Slovak Art
Received on 2003-02-20
- Barbara Borčić
From Alternative Scene to Art Video - Video Production in Slovenia
Received on 2003-02-28
- Barbara Borčić
Yugoslav Border Scenes - Fragments
Received on 2003-02-20
- Igor Zabel
Art in Slovenia in the Eighties
Received on 2003-03-12
- Marina Gržinić
Fiction Re-Constructed
Received on 2003-02-28
- Alexander Solovyov
Until the Recent Time
Received on 2003-02-28
- Alexander Solovyov
In the Twilight of Postmodernism
Received on 2003-02-28
- Konstantin Akinsha
Wreath on Grave of Ukrainian Postmodernism
Received on 2003-02-28
- Mykhailo Rashkovetsky
Unnatural Selection
Received on 2003-04-02
- Mykhailo Rashkovetsky
Odesa Experiment
Received on 2003-04-02
- Oleg Sydor-Gibelinda
Ukrainian Art - the Old People and the New People
Received on 2003-04-02
- Olena Mikhailovska
Free Zone
Received on 2003-04-02
- Olena Mikhailovska and Andrey Taranenko
Found Stuff New Art From Ukraine
Received on 2003-04-02
- Vadim Checkorsky & Miroslav Kulchitsky
Flirting with Cliches, Displacements and Repetition
Received on 2003-04-02
- Vladimir Levashov
Pseudo - Palindrome in the Monographic Style
Received on 2003-04-02
- Bojana Pejić
Postcommunism and the Rewriting of (Art) History)
Received on 2003-04-02
- Bojana Pejić
Socialist Modernism and the Aftermath
Received on 2003-04-02
- Branislav Dimitrijević
Shaping the Grand Compromise: The case of blending the mainstream and dissident art in Serbia, c. 1948-1974
Received on 2003-02-28
- Branislava Andjelković & Branislav Dimitrijević
Murder or Happy People*
Received on 2003-04-02
- Dejan Sretenović
Art in a closed Society
Received on 2003-04-02
- Gordana Novaković
Short History of Electronic Art, Part One
Received on 2003-04-02
- Lidija Merenik
Some Aspects of Yugoslav Modern Art: Art or Accident?
Received on 2003-04-02
