Last update: 1997-11-27 This document contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the SOLID Light Client library. You may find useful information also in: Contents 1. Installation Issues 1.1. My test application does not seem to be able to connect to the database. What should I check? 2. Programming Issues 3. Runtime Issues 3.1. What does 'Light' in SOLID Light Client mean? 4. Licensing & Pricing Issues 4.1. How is the Light Client library priced? 4.2. What kind of license do I need for running SOLID Light Client applications? 1. Installation Issues Q1.1. My test application does not seem to be able to connect to the database. What should I check? A: Please check that you have:
2. Programming Issues Q2.1. I have an application written in Visual Basic running on SOLID Server . What do I need to do to start using SOLID Server through the Light Client API? A: You can't do it. Visual Basic implements its own API on top of ODBC. This layer always expects to find a full ODBC below it. This applies also to most other 4GL tools. Q2.2. I have an application running on SOLID Server through ODBC. What do I need to do to start using SOLID Server through the Light Client API? A: Please follow these steps:
Q2.3 I am running my Light Client Application on DOS. For some time everything seems O.K. Then suddenly, I don't seem to be able to reconnect. What can I do? A: The problem is the version of sockets.exe DOS TSR that does not always immediately release the socket resources. The workaround for this is to wait a moment after each disconnect. It may be sufficient to avoid taking new connections too often. The reason the delay is not written inside the Light Client library is that there are versions of sockets.exe around. Some work better in this respect. 3. Runtime Issues Q3.1. What does 'Light' in Light Client mean? A: It means that the size of the library is as small as possible. All the functionality that is not absolutely necessary has been stripped. Please check the actual Light Client library sizes for the available platforms from the SOLID Light Client Release Notes. Q3.2. Are there any SOLID Server administration utilities available for use on the 'Light' workstations? A: There are no SOLID Remote Control nor SOLID SQL Editor programs (not even the teletype versions) available for DOS clients. However, Light Client programs can be written that pass "ADMIN COMMAND" SQL statements to SOLID Server through the Light Client API. For details, see SOLID Server Administrator's Guide Appendix D SOLID SQL Syntax.. 4. Licensing & Pricing Issues Q4.1. How is the Light Client library priced? A: There is no separate price for the SOLID Light Client library. You are free to download and use it to connect to SOLID Server according to your license terms. Q4.2. What kind of license do I need for running SOLID Light Client applications? A: A normal SOLID Server license is sufficient for running Light Client applications. Light Client connections are counted as normal connections when monitoring the number of concurrent users. Each Light Client connection is counted as one user in the SOLID Server license. Company | Products | Support | Search | Free Eval Packs |