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SOLID Light Client v.2.3 Readme

This document contains the installation instructions for the SOLID Light Client library product package.

Available Packages

SOLID Light Client is provided as a separate package for each of the following platforms:

Product Name Product Package
SOLID Light Client for DOS
SOLID Light Client for 32-bit Windows

The package contents are described in detail below.

Package Contents

Light Client API Library File

One of the following library files depending on the platform:

/lib/slcw3223.lib Light Client library for 32-bit Windows
/lib/slcdos23.lib   Light Client library for DOS

Light Client API Header Files

General SOLID SQL API header files used as such also for Light Client compilations.
/include/cli0lcli.h SOLID Light Client API header


lclireadme.htm  SOLID Light Client Installation Instructions (this file).
lclimethods.htm SOLID Light Client Function Reference
lcliprguide.htm SOLID Light Client Programmer's Guide
lclirelnotes.htm SOLID Light Client Release Notes
lclitypes.htm SOLID Light Client Type Conversion Matrix


samples/  Directory containing SOLID Light Client samples

System Requirements

Run-time Environment

Running applications produced using SOLID Light Client requires:

  • SOLID Server release 2.20.0027 or higher to be running on a database server in the network and listening to TCP/IP
  • A working TCP/IP connection from the client node to the database server

In order for TCP/IP services to work, a communication software package providing the sockets layer needs to be installed on the on the client node.In more detail, the following software components should be available on the client:

Client platform Required software component Communication software products
DOS SOCKETS.EXE DOS TCP/IP software is provided at least by Microsoft as part of several Microsoft Network products.
32-bit Windows WSOCK32.DLL TCP/IP services are provided as standard part of Windows 95 and NT installations

Development Environment

In addition to the run-time environment requirements, a working C compiling and linking toolset is needed.

Installation Instructions

Before getting started with SOLID Light Client, we recommend obtaining some basic knowledge about the following:

  • The C programming language
  • Your C development environment
  • Relational databases in general and SOLID Server in particular

Verifying the Development Environment with a Sample Application

  • Make sure you have a working C development environment for your desired platform.Install and check the environment according to its specific instructions.
  • Make sure you have a working run-time environment providing TCP/IP connections to applications
  • Make sure that you have a working SOLID Server installation on your database server. If not, please download SOLID Server evaluation pack and install it according to the instructions in  the package.
  • Uncompress the SOLID Light Client product package in your development directory with a unzip toll that supports long filenames and recursive extraction of subdirectories.
  • Make sure that your development environment is set up to include SOLID Light Client header files and link the library to your program. If you are having problems with this check the development environment's instructions. Note that in some NT environment some development tools link odbc32.lib providing standard ODBC service as a default library to any project. Because (most of) the functions have similar names and interfaces the program may be linked to use ODBC instead of Light Client. Remove odbc32.lib from the linker's file list.
  • Make a project to compile and build a Light Client sample program, sample1.c. You don't need to modify the source files in any way. If you have set your environment up properly you should not receive any errors or warnings from your compiler or linker.
  • Test your installation by running the sample program according to the instructions below.

Description of the Sample Program

The sample program for validating the installation, sample1.c, performs the following actions.

1. Checks that there are enough input parameters to contain sufficient connect information
2. Prepares to connect SOLID Server throught Light Client by allocating memory for HENV and HDBC objects
3. Connects to SOLID Server using Light Client Library
4. Creates a statement for one query, 'SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_TYPE FROM TABLES' for reading data from one of SOLID Server's system tables.
5. Executes the query
6. Fetches and outputs all the rows of a result set.
7. Closes the connection gracefully

Running the Sample Program

1. If you don't already have a SOLID Server running, start it now and create an empty database.
2. Run the program by giving it correct parameters. The parameters are as follows:
   - connect string
   - user name
   - password
For example, the following command line connects to SOLID Server running at machine "" and listening to port 1313. Both user name and password are DBA.
    sample1 " 1313" DBA DBA
3. After running the program, check the output by comparing it to the expected output file.


Please look for answers in the SOLID Light Client FAQ before contacting Solid.

Other SOLID Light Client Documentation

Ordering Instructions

No separate license is required for running programs written on SOLID Light Client library. The SOLID Server  download package contains an evaluation license that allows using the database for 30 days. In order to continue using your database after that you can purchase a run-time license through Solid Express Sales.

Migration from Older SOLID Light Client Versions

Version 2.3. is the first available version of SOLID Light Client.


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