written in L-system & realized by the software Fractint 1992-1995

Introduction text in Hungarian:
Megjegyzések a fraktál-gyűjteményekhez
Introduction text in English: Notes on the fractal collection ”77 Generated Graphics”

download PDF files:
1. whole serial (PDF file, 8.4 MB)
2. single fractal images (PDF files ca. 100-150 KB)

You can realize these fractals by the program Fractint, if you copy this file L-system codes for Fractint (The 77 Generated Graphics) into the directory of Fractint and look at for different L-system fractals.(You select the fractal typ "lsystem", after it use the key F6). The freeware (!) Fractint is available in the internet http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/fractint.html