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SOLID Server is a standards compliant data management product, used mostly as an embedded component in various types of solutions. The end-user organizations do not typically need to know much about the use of SOLID. Therefore, our technical support is targeted to the real users of SOLID: the knowledgeable software technicians who develop, test, and maintain software solutions.

The Internet is one of the key vehicles for offering and delivering the majority of our support services. For example, we prefer all support issues to be submitted in electronic form to our web site or by e-mail, in order to document all support requests adequately. Solid has highly experienced technical staff to deal with the support requests. All communication is logged and archived to ensure a high level of quality. Additional professional services, such as training, consulting, etc. are also available to ensure a sufficient level of knowledge transfer to the users of SOLID products.

Our technical support concept is a combination of

  • large amounts of information available on our web site free of charge
  • cost-efficient technical support for evaluators, web customers, and web partners (email- and web-based)
  • higher level services and dedicated support teams for large distribution partners

A Proactive Approach

Based on our experience, proactively offering as much information as possible reduces the need for technical support and increases the quality of the solutions using SOLID. Most of the information is offered on our web site, for any one to read, at any time. This information includes, for example, all manuals, FAQs, a wealth of technical tips, samples, etc. Additionally, more information and services are available on our web site through our 'Electronic Support Network' or 'Partner Helpdesk' for Customers and Partners with a valid support agreement.

During the evaluation phase, that is, after downloading SOLID and while testing it for 30 days, technical questions are answered free of charge. Most of the common problems are cleared already at this stage.

During the development phase the work typically requires some training, consultation and/or performance tuning, and perhaps also discussions regarding automated installations and packaging the solution. Having a valid support agreement secures the availability of our technical support. On the other hand, we also expect adequate functional and performance testing by the developers before the solution is moved to production use since this reduces the amount of unnecessary problems in end-user use.

In the production phase, end-user organizations should first seek support from the developers of the solution - typically the Solid Partner - since the developers know best how SOLID is embedded into the solution and how it is used within that solution. Solid will then assist the Partner in solving any issues that cannot be sufficiently handled by the Partner. In cases where Partners have their own support organization, Solid's technical support works with the 2nd or 3rd level of that support organization.

Terminology: Support vs. Maintenance

To clarify some of the terms on these pages, please read the following definitions:

  • License: the purchased right to use SOLID software. You may download SOLID software free of charge, but you need to purchase a right to use SOLID software for your business purposes. The easiest way to do this is through our Express Sales. A SOLID software license does not by itself entitle any customer to access all support services or maintenance updates.
  • Support services: Providing technical support to our Partners and Customers. Some of the services are free of charge, while others are subject to fees since they require additional resources and prompt actions from us. Please refer to the Support Package Options document for more details.
  • Maintenance updates: Solid further developing SOLID software and producing new versions of SOLID products. Maintenance updates are available to Customers and Partners on the terms explained in the Solid Support Package Options document.

Please note that buying a SOLID license does not automatically entitle the customer to receive support from Solid, other than the free support services available for all users on Solid's web site.

Return to the Technical Support main page.
Go to the
Support Package Options document.
Read the
Support Services FAQ.



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