Hoffmann-Riem, Wolfgang.
Regulating media : the licensing and supervision
of broadcasting in six countries
Cultural complexity in organizations : inherent
contrasts and contradictions
Sonja A. Sackmann, editor.
Reeves, Byron, 1949-
The media equation : how people treat computers,
television, and new media like real people
and places
Harrop, Martin.
Elections and voters : a comparative introduction
Regulating the changing media : a comparative
edited by David Goldberg, Tony Prosser, and Stefaan
Cultures of Internet : virtual spaces, real histories,
living bodies
edited by Rob Shields.
Mole, John, 1945-
Mind your manners : managing business cultures
in Europe
Castells, Manuel.
End of millennium
Public relations : strategies and tactics
Dennis L. Wilcox, Phillip H. Ault, Warren K. Agee.
Mass media and society
edited by James Curran and Michael Gurevitch.
Michael, Kunczik.
Images of nations and international public relations
(Volume 3)
Europe 2000 : what kind of television?
report of the European Television Task Force,
President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.
Information technology and society : a reader
edited by Nick Heap ... [et al.].
Global society and international relations
Cosmopolitan democracy : an agenda for a new world
edited by Daniele Archibugi and David Held.
Questions of cultural identity
edited by Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay.
Media and cultural regulation
edited by Kenneth Thompson.
Manuel, Castells.
The rise of the network society (Volume 1)
Mansell, Robin.
The new telecommunications : a political economy
of network evolution
Preston, P. W.
Political / cultural indentity : citizens and
nations in a global era
Owen, Bruce M.
Video economics
Ethnic minority media : an international perspective
edited by Stephen Harold Riggens.
Matustík, Martin Joseph, 1957-
Postnational identity : critical theory
and existential philosophy in Habermas, Kierkegaard, and Havel
Globalization, communication, and transnational
civil society
edited by Sandra Braman, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi.
The media in Western Europe : the Euromedia
Bernt Stubbe Ostergaard, editor.
Deregulating regulators? : communications policies
for the '90s.
Edwards, Derek.
Discourse and cognition
Discourse as social interaction : discourse studies
: a multidisciplinary introduction
Teun A. van Dijk, editor.
Negrine, Ralph M.
The communication of politics
Mowlana, Hamid, 1937-
Global communication in transition
Prospects for democracy : North, South, East, West
edited by David Held.
Dordick, Herbert S., 1925-
The information society : a retrospective
Mulgan, Geoff.
Politics in an
antipolitical age
Americans and the Public Agenda
The Paradoxes of Public Policy
Edited By: Cedric Herring
Complexity in Organizations
Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions
Edited By: Sonja A Sackmann
Commercialization of American Culture
New Advertising, Control and
Authored By: Matthew P
the Self in a Mediated World
Edited By: Debra Grodin,
Thomas R Lindlof